Tanka: magic hope

M.Nakazato LaFreniere
2 min readJan 14, 2018


she reached for magic
as earthquakes pushed land upward,
pulling her home back
fool wizards warring above
she hoped to bring back balance

senryu by M. Nakazato LaFreniere

Ronovan Writes has a haiku prompt to use two words “magic” & “hope” For my story, I did a tanka. But here is a haiku as well.

she reached for magic
fool wizards warring above
she hoped for balance

So I’ve been finding there is a thing called Freebie Friday where folks give away something. Debbie Scott is giving out a texture each Friday so I through I’d try one from last Friday of January 5th. She did a lovely watercolor texture which I thought I might experiment with to make a mermaid image look underwater.

Debbie Scott’s January 5th texture

My original mermaid image (second life)

I tried the texture in various blend modes over the image:

linear burn
vivid light

I ended up layering overlay, hue and linear burn at various opacity’s to get my final result.

I think it is pretty cool that Debbie Scott gave away a very pretty texture. I had a lot of fun playing around with it.

What do you think?


Challenge 183 Magic&Hope
Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt

January 5th Friday Freebie
Debbie Scott

second life photo by M. LaFreniere, avatar Kayla Woodrunner

Originally published at Cactus Haiku.

