Wk 2: Come Join Cat Senryu / Haiku / Tanka Challenge: Post yours in comments

M.Nakazato LaFreniere
2 min readOct 22, 2017


Hi everyone!

Thanks everybody for joining last week! check it out in the comments
Wk 1: Come Join Cat Senryu / Haiku / Tanka Challenge

We had six people participate. Their haiku were fun and I loved the cat pics. Theynine’s pic was in the comments but you could view the cat pics of 25more and Vivian by clicking their links. Darrell posted a video link too. Joann visited from the Facebook senryu group to post hers and ealscw was kind enough to post their son’s poem. I love the cat haikus and hope you did too.

Here’s the challenge:
Week 2: Write a cat haiku!

Rules of Engagement:

Topic: Cat (any cat)

Duration: One week (10/14/17–10/21/17)

Poetic form: Haiku, senryu or tanka

Syllable counts: Traditional: either 5–7–5 or 5–7–5–7–7 just to make the form recognizable.

Anything else: Nope, you don’t have to follow other traditions like kiru (abrupt change of imagery), kireji (cutting word or punctuation), or kigo (seasonal reference). Don’t want to add a lot rules

Where: In the comments below, paste the link to your cat haiku post. Pingbacks are also great. Also in the comments if you want, paste the haiku/senryu/tanka and add a url for the cat image with it (as long as you own the copyright or it is copyright free). Images are not mandatory but a poem is.

For the images of the first five people to include the image url in the comments with their poem, as long as the image is less than 150pixels length or width, I think I can make the image url you post in the comments show by handcoding the img src html when I moderate. Wordpress only allows the blog owner to add img src html into the comments.

Comments are moderated so it may take up to 24 hours to show.
If you are commenting on someone else’s entry, be nice.

Looking forward to seeing everybody’s contributions!

Originally published at Cactus Haiku.

