Strategic Expansion Analysis: Identifying High-Potential States for Smartwatch Market Expansion

Carlo de Guzman
8 min readSep 5, 2023


Tools Used: Excel, PostgreSQL, Power BI, and Python | Data Preparation, Data Cleaning, Analysis, and Visualization

A Los Angeles-based startup is poised to expand its cutting-edge health tracker smartwatch, benefiting from substantial investor support. With aspirations beyond California, the company aims to diversify its presence by extending operations into a new state, paving the way for enhanced market expansion and growth prospects.

Business Objectives
Utilizing data-driven insights, the company can strategically pinpoint viable business expansion destinations. Aligned with its growth-oriented mission, the company is committed to amplifying its startup presence. The analyst is tasked with identifying suitable US states for the health tracker smartwatch venture expansion.

Revealing Business Opportunities: Unveiling Insights from Data
This methodology outlines a dynamic approach to data analysis that transforms raw information into actionable insights. By delving into every aspect of the data, we craft a compelling narrative that empowers the company’s decisions in selecting optimal US states to foster the expansion of the health tracker smartwatch enterprise. Let’s dive into these data analysis steps that shape this transformative process:

Step 1: Data Acquisition and Examination

  • Obtain the raw datasets from your client, ensuring data integrity and accuracy.
  • Review the dataset’s structure, fields, and quality to identify potential issues or missing values.
  • In-depth analysis of the dataset’s context, fields, and variables, to align with the business objectives.

Step 2: Data Cleaning and Transformation

  • Utilize Excel and PostgreSQL to perform data cleaning, addressing missing values, duplicates, and inconsistencies.
  • Standardize and format data columns for consistency and ease of analysis.
  • Create a data dictionary to document the cleaned and transformed dataset, including explanations of each field.

Step 3: Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

  • Used Microsoft Excel, PostgreSQL, Power BI, and Python to conduct EDA.
  • Calculate summary statistics (minimum, maximum, ranks) for relevant numeric variables.
  • Generate scatter plots and correlation matrix to understand relationships between variables.
  • Identify potential trends, patterns, and insights that could impact business growth.

Step 4: Data Visualization and Insight Generation

  • Leverage Power BI, Python, and Excel to create insightful visualizations.
  • Develop visualizations such as bar charts and geographical maps to represent relevant data points.
  • Visualize state-wise metrics like state population, average income, healthcare spending, and competitors’ performance.
  • Compare health average spending, competitors’ expenditures, and net profits across different states using a card graph.

Step 5: Selection of Target States

  • Based on visualizations and insights, identify states with high potential for business growth.
  • Consider states with a large population, high average income, and higher healthcare spending as potential expansion targets.
  • Employing data-driven insights to finalize one or two target states.

Step 6: Insights and Recommendations

  • Synthesize your findings into clear, concise insights that align with your client’s business goals.
  • Develop actionable recommendations based on the identified target states.
  • Highlight the potential benefits of expanding into the chosen states, showcasing how it aligns with the company’s mission.
  • Emphasizes Limitations Encountered During the Analysis.
  • Offered Recommendations for Future Research.

Step 7: Reporting and Communication

  • Prepare a comprehensive report that includes both visualizations and insights.
  • Structure the report in a logical manner, beginning with an executive summary.
  • Use clear language and concise explanations to make the insights accessible to non-technical stakeholders.
  • Present your findings to your client, facilitating a clear understanding of the analysis results and recommendations


There are 251 records and 7 fields of the dataset.

Data Dictionary
The acquired data was examined and studied by a data analyst. The orders are recorded from various dimensions:

States with the Highest and Lowest Average Healthcare Spending.

States with the Highest and Lowest Average Competitor Expenditure.

States with the Highest and Lowest Average State Population.

States with the Highest and Lowest Average State Income.

Correlation Between Fields

The correlation coefficient is a statistical measure quantifying the linear relationship strength and direction between two variables. Values close to 1 denote a strong positive correlation, values close to 0 suggest a neutral correlation, and values close to -1 signify a strong negative correlation.

The Scatter Subplots and Correlation Matrix plot highlights notable correlations. Notably, health average spending and state average income, along with competitor’s profit and net profit, exhibit correlations exceeding 50%, with coefficients of 72% and 79%, respectively. However, health average spending and competitors’ expenditure demonstrate a weak negative correlation with a coefficient of — 0.045 (-45%), implying an insignificant relationship. This implies inadequate predictability or conclusive insights.

Considering this, the data analyst judiciously selects high-correlation variables to align with business objectives. Given their greater than 50% correlation coefficients, health average spending and state average income are the focal points for identifying potential market expansion in another state in the USA for the health tracker smartwatch business.


Interact with the Dashboard here: Smartwatch Market Expansion Analysis

By focusing on the correlation coefficient of 0.72 between health average spending and state average income, you’ve identified a strong positive relationship. This correlation indicates that as income levels rise, healthcare spending also increases, implying improved access to healthcare resources and investments in public health. However, a holistic understanding demands consideration of regional disparities and other factors.

The “Average Health Spending by States” chart highlights that the color spectrum, ranging from golden yellow to red-orange, corresponds to varying levels of average health spending. This visual representation unveils two standout states, Hawaii, and Massachusetts, colored with vibrant golden yellow. Both states exhibit the highest health spending, nailed at $350.

In the “Average Health Spending by States” chart, we can discern that Hawaii and Massachusetts stand out as the only states with average health spending exceeding $300. This insight highlights their potential as strong market candidates for your client’s health tracker smartwatch.

Among the states, Maryland boasts the highest average income. Massachusetts and Hawaii, our favored states, closely follow with 7k and 10k lower average income than Maryland. This correlation between Average Health Spending and Average Income by States highlights their potential. These states have effectively showcased their economic potential by securing positions in the list of Top States across various fields or categories. Maryland, displaying proximity in potential marketability, also emerges as a suitable expansion choice.

Recommendation and Conclusion

Targeted Expansion

With Hawaii and Massachusetts showing a strong correlation between income and health spending, consider prioritizing these states for initial market expansion. Tailor your marketing strategies and campaigns to resonate with consumers who value health and wellness, thereby maximizing your chances of success in receptive markets. Maryland, displaying proximity in potential marketability, also emerges as a suitable expansion choice.

Additional Recommendations for Higher Marketability

Strategic Partnerships

Collaborate with local healthcare providers, gyms, and wellness centers in Hawaii and Massachusetts. Such partnerships can enhance your product’s credibility and widen its reach. These entities can also aid in showcasing the product’s benefits to potential consumers.

Localized Customization

Leverage the data to tailor your product to regional needs. Conduct further research to understand the specific health trends and preferences of Hawaii and Massachusetts residents. By incorporating local insights, your smartwatch can offer features that align with their unique health goals.

Enhanced User Experience

Employ data-driven analytics to enhance user engagement. Utilize insights from user behaviors to refine the user interface, notifications, and user experience. Engaged users are more likely to become advocates and contribute to the growth of your brand.

Continuous Data Analysis

Implement a dynamic feedback loop that consistently captures user data and preferences. Regularly analyze the collected data to refine your product and marketing strategies. Adaptation based on user input will be pivotal for sustained growth.

Prioritize Data Security and Transparency

Build trust with your consumers by prioritizing data security and transparency. Assure users that their health data is stored securely and that their privacy is maintained. Consider implementing stringent data protection measures and possibly even exceeding the minimum requirements for data security. Communicate your commitment to data privacy clearly, highlighting how you go the extra mile to safeguard their information.

Capitalize on Market Growth

Position your startup to capitalize on the anticipated growth in the wearable technology market. Consider innovative ways to differentiate your smartwatch from competitors by exploring unique features and partnerships. Additionally, stay updated with technological advancements and evolving customer preferences to ensure your product remains competitive and relevant.

Limitations Encountered During the Analysis

Data Quality and Completeness

The success of your analysis heavily relies on the quality and completeness of the data. Potential issues like missing or inaccurate data points could impact the accuracy of your findings and recommendations.

Correlation vs. Causation

While the correlation coefficient indicates the strength and direction of the relationship, it is essential to recognize that correlation does not imply causation. Other confounding factors might be contributing to this relationship such as economic, social, and developmental differences that exist in various states, and further analysis is needed to establish any potential causal connections.

Regional Disparities

The focus on the correlation between health spending and income might overlook other important regional disparities, such as population demographics, health policies, and cultural preferences. These factors could significantly influence market behavior.

Recommendations for Future Research

Multivariate Analysis

Conduct a more comprehensive multivariate analysis that considers multiple variables impacting health spending and market behavior. This can provide a more holistic view of the market dynamics and help identify additional factors driving growth.

Consumer Preferences

Dive deeper into consumer preferences and behavior related to wearable health technology. This could involve surveys, focus groups, or data collection from user interactions to understand what features and benefits resonate most with potential customers.

Competitive Landscape

Expand the analysis to include a thorough assessment of the competitive landscape in the target states. Understand what competitors are offering, their strengths, and weaknesses, and how your smartwatch can stand out in the market.

Long-term Sustainability

Explore the long-term sustainability of the smartwatch business beyond the initial expansion. Consider factors like product lifecycle, customer retention strategies, and evolving market trends.

Feedback Mechanism

Develop a robust feedback mechanism that continuously collects user input and preferences. Regularly analyze this data to adapt and refine your product and marketing strategies in real time.

Scenario Analysis

Conduct scenario analysis to account for potential risks and uncertainties, such as economic downturns or unexpected market shifts. Having contingency plans in place will help mitigate potential setbacks.



Carlo de Guzman

IT- Service Management and Business Analytics student | Data Analyst in Training | Excel, PostgreSQL, and Power BI | Developing Data Analysis and Visualization