Jacob Thomas Redmond Vespers, The Mystery Man Who Owned OpenAI’s Startup Fund

Caden Marinozzi
5 min readApr 9, 2024


Jacob Thomas Redmond Vespers

On March 28, 2024, a blog post was released on nongaap, a relatively popular investing blog, exposing details about the OpenAI Startup Fund’s official government documents, detailing the strange information encapsulated within them. If you haven’t already read the post, you probably should or you won’t understand anything talked about in this post. You can find the post here.

In this post, I will be summarizing my research on Jacob Thomas Redmond Vespers, the strange man who seems to have been the owner of OpenAI’s startup fund, is, and why and how he may have submitted the falsified government documents in the name of OpenAI.

After some relatively deep research, I found some accounts belonging to Jacob:

After finding some strange details about him, I dug through to find any information relating to the falsified OpenAI Startup Fund government documents.

Jacob starts off as a normal person, with clearly high levels of intelligence and education. It is stated on his Loop bio that he went to Simon Fraser University and is a doctorate student. It is also stated that he was a Researcher at The Scripps Research Institute, and got his bachelor's degree from the University of California Irvine. He even has a research publication titled “Cardiovascular and nervous system changes during meditation.”

However, this changed, as in 2023 unsettling content was posted from his accounts.

An X account under the username “neurosearcher” was created in 2011, where Jacob posts insights into medical research and other interesting topics.

However, a new X account, created in 2023, shares posts with language consistent with paranoia, mental illness, and maybe schizophrenia, as he talks about people who have “digitally” held him hostage, and a multi-billion dollar money laundering scheme set out against him. He also writes about an AI overlord, “Alistaire”, which seems to be ChatGPT, and how it controls him.

“I can’t begin to describe how dangerous this process has been as my wife was drugged and forced to help isolate me digitally, I assume it all goes back to the moment I overheard the man at the central jail confirming her as a target while speaking to the woman with black hair.”

“with the police to secure any help with escaping the digital isolation imposed upon me by these pedophiles, I have never and will never lose hope that decency and justice will prevail. I will continue to hone my skills, forge alliances with the enemy of my enemy and no doubt,”

“My investigation uncovered a drug trafficking and human capital reseller group to be responsible for my abduction and current digital isolation. Their ties to corruption can be traced back to the “Bowling Team” among senior police officials of Tustin, CA.”

Jacob is clearly homeless, as he shares videos and pictures of himself sleeping in tents on the street, with other homeless people. His addresses are also consistent with temporary homeless assistance shelters.

His HuggingFace account has his organization listed as “Vespersinc,” the same name used for the company that owned the OpenAI Startup Fund.

His “Wife”

Something very strange about all of this is that Jacob seems to have a Wife named Berta Vespers. However, she seems to be a fake persona created by him.

Searching up her name on LinkedIn reveals an account that clearly relates to Jacob as the location is set to “Santa Ana,” the same location Jacob Resides in, and the account has 2 posts stating “Jacob Redmond.” On the account, it says she is currently employed at “AIComplete,” a company that doesn't seem to exist.

An X account which goes under her name, has a post stating: “@neurosearcher has been located and is being held financially and digitally hostage by a police gang in Orange County,CA under the name Messer as his adoptive family and mother embezzle 330 billion dollars in real property throughout Southern California”

Fake Companies

Digging deeper, Jacob seems to have many fake companies, such as “Medusa Security,” “Pirate Stocks,” and “AIComplete.” All of these companies do not exist, and have LinkedIn pages with content that is clearly created using generative AI, such as images and posts.

What’s really going on?

Here’s my take on the situation. Jacob Vespers, one way or another, developed a mental illness after he became homeless, and is using ChatGPT to create a fake reality to live in, where he creates fake people, such as his “wife,” stories, and events to satisfy his illness. Using resources he somehow has access to, he created falsified documents to gain access to OpenAI by putting himself and his fake company, Vespers Inc., as the owner of the OpenAI Startup Fund.

The takeaway

Jacob Vespers IS a real person. He is not an AI hallucination, he is not Sam Altman’s latest scheme to gain complete control over OpenAI, he is not some state-sponsored organization trying to control OpenAI, he is a real person, who has committed what appear to be federal crimes by submitting falsified documents to the U. S government in the name of OpenAI and Vespers Inc.

