What does it mean to be appointed by God? A part study of Ephesians 3.

4 min readJun 17, 2023


In this article, I share my initial study of Ephesians chapter 3. I call it an initial study because I hope to go deeper and receive more insight; and I also hope you do the same. Please note that the bible version I shall use is The Voice Translation (unless otherwise stated).

In verse 2, Paul mentioned that he has been appointed to preach the message of grace.

“You have heard, haven’t you, how God appointed me to bring you His message of grace?” Ephesians 3:2.

The word “appointed” made me curious, and I asked, what does it mean to be appointed by grace? To be appointed, means to be offered a position. To appoint means to officially authorise, assign, delegate, or give a responsibility to a person.

What does it mean to be appointed?

To be appointed by God is a great privilege, and we will see Paul proclaim this in later verses. There are many people God can appoint for a position, but why Paul? Why me?, and Why you? Are we the best of the best? Let’s keep reading. Moreover, if what God has appointed you to do is not clear, ask Him to reveal it to you.

God, what have you appointed me to do?

Now that we have broken down the word “appointed”, what are the evidences, or attestation to God’s appointment?

Back in Ephesians 3:1, Paul mentioned he is a representative to the outside nations. Therefore to be appointed by God, makes you God’s representative. If you are as inquisitive as I am, you would ask, what does it mean to be God’s representative? (Hint- Study Paul’s life), this will be a different study.

More on the evidence of God’s appointment; in Ephesians 3:4 we see how God’s appointment comes with insight.

“When you read what I have written, you will be better able to understand the depth of my insight into the mystery of the Anointed One.” Ephesians 3:4

Insight to mysteries, insight to revelations, insights to victory, insight to riches in heavenly places. Not by our power, but by the Holy Spirit as revealed further in verse 5 below.

“a mystery that has never been shown to past generations. Only now are these secrets being revealed to God’s chosen emissaries and prophets through the Holy SpiritEphesians 3:5

What else is the evidence of God’s appointment? Let’s run to verse 7.

“I became a servant and preacher of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace as He exercised His amazing power over me”. Ephesians 3:7

God’s appointment makes God’s amazing power to be exercised over you, and this is only by the gift of God’s grace. God’s amazing power is Him, His sovereignty, magnificent love, wisdom from above, His presence, victory, faithfulness… it is vast. Indeed, we should be strongly determined to know what God has appointed us to do.

For God to make His amazing power to be exercised over a man, does it mean that he must have some special qualities? Again, I ask, why Paul? Why me? Why you? Here is the answer in simple terms… God does not discriminate. Now let’s head to verse 8.

“I cannot think of anyone more unworthy to this cause than I, the least of the least of the saints.” Ephesians 3:8a

Haha! Mr Paul, do you mean, you could not identify any special quality in you to explain why God appointed you? To identify as the “least of the least”, is quite deep. Can you identify any special quality in you to explain why God appointed you? Let’s read on…

But here I am, a grace-made man, privileged to be an echo of His voice and a preacher to all the nations of the riches of the Anointed One, riches that no one ever imagined. Ephesians 3:8b

One of the greatest proclamations by Paul which I love is that he is grace-made. This revelation can only come from God. We have just learnt that we do not have to be special to be appointed by God. And to be appointed by God is by God’s grace, which is a privilege.

Proclaim- I am, a grace-made (wo)man.

Pray for this insight to bear fruit in you. May the evidences of God’s appointment be our testimony and may we keep walking in the realities of God’s Word. Amen.

