5 Efficient Ways of Making Money As A Freelancer

Cagri Ozarpaci
4 min readJun 20, 2020


Don’t believe me? Try these!

Photo by Per Lööv on Unsplash

Once, I’ve searched for websites that I can convert my skills into money as a freelancer. I’ve noticed that most of the ways were lowering your skills payback. So, I looked for ways that I could go ahead of that. In the end, I realized that there were five excellent ways to overcome that issue.

1. Working at Upwork

No doubt that Upwork is one of the most known freelancing websites in the market. Upwork work is like most of the other freelancing websites. Some buyers post a job and describe it, and then freelancers submit a proposal to that specific job to work with him. That increases competition in the market. However, freelancers have to buy “connects” to submit a proposal, so freelancers can’t send an infinite amount proposal, which is a good thing.

In Upwork, there are still freelancers that almost work for free. Since these freelancers mostly don’t deliver a high-quality job, some buyers are willing to pay much more to get high-quality delivery. So, if you prepare a good portfolio, it’s not hard to get the opportunity to work with these buyers.

2. Being a Seller in Fiverr

Fiverr works differently compared to other freelancing websites. In Fiverr, freelancers posts what they do (called “Gig”) and buyers contact with the freelancers. It might sound impossible to get jobs, but believe me, it’s not. Once you pay attention to you create your gigs and stay online on the website, you’ll see that buyers will start to contact you. At that point, it’s up to you to get the job or fail. Besides, Fiverr requires some patience. Also, most of the buyers in Fiverr willing to pay you good for high-quality outcomes. If you have confidence in yourself, just start to work there right now.

3. Creating A Web Themes For Envato Market

Envato Market is a marketplace that you can create your own web themes from scratch and submit at that marketplace. They are not putting all themes to their marketplace that are sent; they’ve to confirm your web theme to put in their marketplace. That might be a problem for a starter. Because they have quite strict rules, they are just confirming unique and high-quality jobs. The good thing with Envato Market is that you don’t need to directly contact with buyers except for the support you provide to theme buyers. It is like you have a market and selling your products and each product a theme.

4. Making Videos For Udemy

Udemy is an online learning platform that has lots of courses in different fields. There are lots of people who are willing to learn web development via that website. You can make videos for Udemy and put your course there so people can buy your course. It’s also the right way of learning. Even if you learn new things, you can teach them to other people so you can understand them better.

5. Making Videos For Youtube

I recommend any developer to make Youtube videos. Except for the money, you’ll be able to understand the concepts better, and making videos will increase your self-confidence tremendously. In terms of money, it’s entirely possible to gain lots of money in a year, if you consistently keep uploading videos.

To Conclude

Try these 3–4 ways of making money as a web developer. I’m pretty sure that, in a few months you’ll start to get good money. The whole secret to being a successful freelancer is simple as follows; being consistent, loving what you are doing, and that’s it!

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Cagri Ozarpaci

designer / developer / writer. A regular non-average guy who is passionate about tech, AI & blockchain