Miriam Cahill
2 min readJul 29, 2015

Our world today, is centered on social media and all things technology. I’m not dissing it, I just want to reflect on it.

My theory is that people are craving attention more than ever. All humans want to feel loved and important, sure but our use of the social media is increasing that need to an unhealthy level. Sites like Facebook and Instagram make us feel valuable based on the number of likes we get on a post or a photo. Snapchat (specifically Snapchat stories) make us feel like every moment of our life must be shared. You see people’s delicious dinners, their terrible days at work, and their crazy parties. Why is it that people have the mindset: “if you don’t post it did it ever really happen?”

Do people feel unheard, as if they aren’t living, when people don’t retweet their tweets or like their blogs? Do people feel as if they have no friends when they check their phone for the fifth million time within ten minutes and still don’t have any snapchats or texts?

I think the best way to make sure we don’t fall too much to the victim of social media and its control over us is to live without it every now and then. Turn your phone to airplane mode, close the laptop and get away from the TV. Try to go one whole day without contacting someone in some form of technology.

It has been said that the advice you give to people is always the advice you should listen to yourself. I admit that smile creeps on my face when I receive likes on an Instagram post or that my heart beats faster when I see an new snapchat notification. This reflection is a reflection of myself as well as others these days. How can we fight this insatiable need to be heard and seen online? Or maybe, it’s not such a bad thing after all. Granted not how our grandparents lived, but times change and so do we, right? Maybe the best thing to do is to try and find the happy medium (ha-happy medium, get it?).

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