Which Programming Language Should You Learn for Your Career?

Caitee Smith
6 min readApr 5, 2023


Believe it or not, programming languages are not just for programmers. Learning to code is a great way to start if you want to add a valuable skill to your toolbox or learn something new.

Computer programming and machine language have come a long way since their inception. Initially, binary code was punched into punch cards or magnetic tape, termed first-generation programming languages.

Then came the assembly languages, or second-generation programming languages. Assembly languages translate machine code into a higher-level language.

FUN FACT: RollerCoaster Tycoon was programmed by a single programmer; 99% of it was written in the x86 assembly language. He used an assembly language instead of C++ or C# because it offered lightning-fast compilation and incredible optimization. This game was ahead of its time, running high gaming capabilities on very minimal hardware requirements.

Following second-generation languages came third-generation languages, also known as high-level programming languages, which we will discuss today.

Some high-level programming languages popular today include Python, JavaScript, Visual Basic, Perl, PHP, Ruby, C#, and Java. These languages may use natural language elements, be easier to use, or make automation easier. This makes program development more straightforward and understandable than a lower-level language.

So — which language should you learn to level up your career?

If you have never learned a programming language, you will want to start with a more beginner-friendly language. Java and Python are the two most popular languages to start you on your programming path. Java is a compiled language, making it fast and efficient, and Python is an interpreted language with more concise syntax than Java. It can also perform the same functions as Java in fewer lines of code. Which is better for you?


While Python may be more beginner-friendly, Java is better at teaching the inner workings of programming and logic and is a more verbose and structured language. If you want to dive into the world of computer science, Java is an excellent place to start. It is versatile and widely used in many platforms, such as Android apps, server back-ends, and desktop applications. Java can effectively run on any operating system, making it ideal for writing apps across many platforms and processors.

Application: Back-End Development, App Development
Level: Intermediate
Companies Using Java: Twitter, Airbnb, Google, Uber
Where To Learn: Codecademy (a personal favorite), Udemy

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If you want to jump into a beginner-friendly language, Python is the way to go. It uses straightforward syntax yet is very versatile in its capabilities. It has a thriving, supportive community that supports and develops the ecosystem. Python’s versatility means it is in demand in AI/ML, data analytics, data visualization, and app development. Web and game development also use Python.

Application: Data, Analytics, AI/ML
Level: Beginner
Companies Using Python: Uber, Goldman Sachs, PayPal, Spotify, Instagram
Where To Learn: Codecademy, Udemy

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Stack Overflow’s 2022 Developer Survey states, “2022 marks JavaScript’s tenth year in a row as the most commonly used programming language.” Hiring managers globally look for JavaScript as a language skill when hiring, according to HackerRank’s 2020 Developer Skills Report. Why is JavaScript so popular? It is versatile. JavaScript is used for both front-end and back-end, meaning it manages the behavior of its web pages. Every web browser supports it, making learning and implementing the language relatively easy and accessible. Since it is such a popular language, countless communities and resources exist to learn and find support.

Application: Front-End and Back-End Development, Game Development
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Companies Using JavaScript: Microsoft, PayPal, Netflix, Facebook, Walmart
Where To Learn: freeCodeCamp, JavaScript30

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SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a language that queries and manipulates databases using English-like statements. It creates, stores, and retrieves records from relational database management systems (RDBMS). You can store data in the form of tables, modify, extract, and much more. While RDBMSs have similar capabilities without SQL, using SQL in your database adds more functionality, control, and customization. Back-end data storage on websites and data processing solutions also use SQL.

Application: Data Management and Analysis, Back-End Development
Level: Beginner
Companies Using SQL: Microsoft, Dell, Accenture, LinkedIn, Seagate
Where To Learn: Codecademy, Udemy

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Many web developers find PHP an essential language to learn. It is used to develop dynamic and interactive websites and applications, like JavaScript. However, while JavaScript is a client-side language, PHP is primarily used for server-side scripting. It can also write command-line scripts and develop desktop applications. It is platform-independent and can be used across a variety of operating systems.

Application: Back-End Web Development
Level; Beginner to Intermediate
Companies Using PHP: WordPress, Facebook, Wikipedia, Slack, MailChimp
Where To Learn: Codecademy, Udemy

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Go was developed at Google in 2007 and uses a syntax similar to C. It provides top-tier memory safety, management features, and structural typing capabilities. It is built for concurrency, meaning it can implement a routine, run it, and keep it going while thousands of other processes run in the background. It is a highly efficient language. Dropbox uses Go to manage more than 500 million users on its network. It is also ideal for building eCommerce sites.

Application: System/Network Programming, Big Data, eCommerce
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Companies Using Go: Google, Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, Soundcloud
Where To Learn: Udemy, ZeroToMastery

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MATLAB, or “Matrix Laboratory,” is a language designed for engineers and scientists. It allows them to express matrix and array mathematics easily. It helps to perform mathematical calculations, design, analysis, and optimization with speed, accuracy, and precision. One data scientist states that “developing algorithms in MATLAB is ten times faster and more robust than developing in Java. We must filter our data, look at poles and zeroes, run nonlinear optimizations, and perform numerous other tasks.”

Application: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Data Science
Level: Beginner
Companies Using MATLAB: Caterpillar, General Electric, AMD, Volvo
Where To Learn: MathWorks MATLAB Academy, edX

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C and C++

C is one of the oldest and most popular programming languages and is the root of other languages, such as C#, Java, and JavaScript. C++ is an enhanced, extended version of C. C++ is for building operating systems, IoT/embedded devices, game development, databases, and web browsers.

Application: Operating Systems, Software Development, Game Development
Level: Beginner to Intermediate
Companies Using C and C++: Adobe, MySQL, Windows, Firefox, Chrome
Where To Learn: Codecademy, Udemy

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Whether looking for a competitive edge or learning something new, there is no better time to pick up a new language. Programming can boost problem-solving and logic skills, improving perspective and proficiency. Solving a programming challenge is such a rewarding, gratifying experience that you will want to continue learning and coding. Even if your job does not require a deep understanding of the language you’re learning, you’ll benefit immensely from your experience.



Caitee Smith

I write about everything from web development to digital marketing. I'm a creative Front End Developer, Wedding Photographer, CIS Student, and ADK hiker.