Caitie Gonzalez
1 min readJul 7, 2015


To the homeless man in the wheelchair,

Sometimes you ask for change. Sometimes you simply want to chat. Sometimes you’re very angry and shout nasty things. Other times you are very quiet, with your eyes focused on the ground. I used to walk by you two times a day on my way to and from work. Sometimes I would apologize for not having change. Sometimes I would give you a quick greeting. Other times, I stare straight ahead pretending I didn’t notice you at all.

The truth is, I always notice you. Even though I don’t see you as much anymore, I still think about you. I wonder if you’re doing okay. I wonder where you got that awesome Star Wars t-shirt. I wonder why you yell at me sometimes, and I wonder if you recognize me at all.

I hope someday you find a home, happiness, and love.



Caitie Gonzalez

I like films, writing, and my alien corgi/pomeranian named Starfox.