A prayer for creativity.

Caitlin Cady
1 min readAug 24, 2018


Photo Credit: Bayleigh Vedelago for Caitlin Cady

Whisper to me.
Let me be still enough to hear you.
Make me fluent in the language of whims and inklings.

Flip my switches.
Light me up with bolts of inspiration.

Make me a vessel,
pour ideas through me.
Ignite the creative impulse within me.
Enrich me with the courage to create.

Gift me with the tools of self-expression:
the willingness to try;
the sensitivity to feel what needs to be felt;
the vision to see what needs to be said;
the boldness and bravery to say it.

Grace me with the precise edges and sharpened points of articulate expression.
Let me dip my brush into the well of truth and paint something beautiful and resonant.
Let the truth ring through my bones when I hit the right note.

I know that my mind casts shadows.
Help me recover the truth of joy that is always there
but is sometimes shrouded in doubt.
Sustain me with the trust to keep going.

When the work is done, let my compensation be contentedness.
Refuel me with the revelry of resonance.

And when the time is right, reward me by replenishing my reserves
with another spoonful of inspiration,
so that I might make my life an offering.

