That No Man Might Buy or Sell …

Caitlyn Alexander
6 min readAug 5, 2018


A brief modern exploration of an ancient revelation.

I. The State of Our Nation

By declaring it “literally impossible to be racist toward white people,” the left has effectively dehumanized an entire racial group — an entire collective of all of ethnic European descent whether English, Irish, Welsh, French, German, Polish, Hungarian, etc. — more completely than any Nazi by hanging an “Achtung, Juden!” sign in a shop window in 1939 ever could.

They have made it open season for every manner of racist diatribe and behavior to run rampant from everyone and anyone, as long as the doer is not white and the recipient is.

They call US the racists, and “Nazis” (a word they have zero clue about, really) and “white supremacists” just for wanting to exist, and claim that designation, by them, upon us — that label, by them, upon us — constitutes sufficient grounds to deem our very existence a viable, credible “threat of violence” and thus justify their instigation and exercise of actual (literal, physical) violence against us.

And people are OK with this. Cops stand down for it voluntarily. Chiefs of police order their cops to stand down for it. Mayors in cities across America order chiefs of police to order their men in blue to stand down for it. Judges bang the gavel, give token wrist slaps and a free pass for it. State reps won’t touch it — at least, not yet — too many of them are echoing mad Maxine’s and Booker’s calls for public harassment and haranguing.

This used to be a nation where you could wear any shirt or hat you wished, put any sticker on your car you wished, and yeah, someone might look at it and make a face as they passed by, but they’d remind themselves “it’s a free country” and just pass by. Now you could be followed, swarmed, harangued, shouted at, even doxxed with your employer pressured to fire you for wrongthink, or get assaulted in the street on the spot. Or come out one morning / afternoon to slashed tires or key-marks up & down the sides of your car or even worse vandalism.

II. An Ancient Revelation

Little known fact about yours truly: I did a couple or three brief stints as a hardcore Christian at a few points in my life and there’s a phrase from the book of Revelation that keeps ringing in my head these days. Maybe you’ve heard this one before:

“And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name….”

— Revelation 13:15–17.

Ridiculous, you say? Nuts, you say? Maybe. But maybe not. Think about it.

III. A Modern Explanation

There’s the “beast” — risen in a smaller, initially less populated land — which makes an “image to the beast” that rose initially in a larger, greatly populated land comprised of many nations, which first “beast” had a “deadly wound” which was “healed” and caused the world to “wonder after” and worship it.

The original rise of Communism spread to numerous parts of the globe, including China and areas of South America, as well as eastern Europe, and sought to spread all across Europe. It suffered a deadly wound and was pushed back, even deemed “dead” in Western civilization. Particularly as the Berlin wall fell and nations of eastern Europe were liberated from Soviet control, and then the Soviet Union itself dissolved at the end of 1991, all the world heralded freedom. The stranglehold of Soviet control met its end. Yet by then, the Frankfurt school — a global initiative pursuing a “long march through the institutions” — had already been creeping in slowly for over more than 45 years, seeping into every aspect of life and thought and perceived “progress” in the West, from academia to politics, entertainment of all sorts to social programs ostensibly designed to aid and empower the working class. It even crept into the various sects of Christendom through a movement known as “liberation theology” in the 1960s and 1970s. And all the world wondered after this beast, which had a wound “by the sword,” — a deadly wound at that — and yet lived. All the world wondered after this “smaller” beast and the image it made to the “first” beast before it.

A beast which caused all — small and great, rich and poor, free and bond — to “receive a mark” in the right hand or in the forehead. A beast which made everyone (except the “saints”) signify their allegiance and alliance either by their actions or their own mental assent and agreement with the beast. The right hand symbolizes the outward actions of a man in this world; the forehead symbolizes the seat of his thought processes and personality. There are the true believers and there are those who “hold their coats” while they cast stones, those who “go along to get along.”

Do you still think we are not seeing this today? It is only just beginning, but it is as plain as the words penned nearly two millenia ago.

IV. So Where are we Heading?

There are multiple schools of biblical eschatology (study of “last day” events) out there of course. There is the historic, the futurist, the preterist, and others. Each holds their own view of how this particular book that closes the canonical Christian scripture should be interpreted. Each perspective has its own interesting points of merit as well as flaws and gaps in logic.

Of course, we are always free to pish-tosh and say it’s a load of balderdash. Yet I maintain no extant school of interpretation is even half as compelling as what our own two eyes can plainly see before us — if we but open them and look.

Messing with someone’s livelihood is a de facto method of economic oppression, repression, and persecution — full stop. It doesn’t have to be a government agency doing this. There doesn’t have to be a law passed that everyone must join antifa or starve. No judicial process is necessary here. All that is needed are a few dozen masked thugs willing to wreak havoc, smear campaigning, and endless harassment at a place of business unless your employer gets rid of you — and done. All that is needed is for a few dozen groups of these domestic terrorists to create a blacklist and circulate it — and done. If you think they are not already doing so, think again.

Likewise, there is no need for the federal government to declare a formal death penalty against you for “wrongthink,” either. All they need to do is turn a blind eye to mob violence of the nature we have been seeing and let it escalate. Already they turn a blind eye on purpose and refuse to protect patriots and realists assaulted in the streets. It’s not just the screeching fringe groups anymore, either; literal public officials, who hold positions of great influence and authority (regardless of how ridiculously they conduct themselves) are routinely on television and in the papers on a daily basis calling for virtual lynch mobs in the streets against anyone who stands against their agenda.

Local officials and police turn a blind eye as citizens are assaulted in the streets with deadly weapons. Do you really think anything is going to change when one of those assaults results in death? Guess again. Nope, instant de facto death penalty. No legislative rubber stamp needed. The “beast” is here. The “mark” is clear. Armageddon — worldwide civil war of “all against all,” is near.

Patriots, Realists, brothers and sisters; Christian, pagan and atheist alike: arm yourselves, and stand your ground.


