Sean Go Art
Feb 7, 2022


Jungle King Series


Influenced by his own personal experiences, Sean Go tackles lighthearted and serious themes in the Jungle King series. Some of his pieces center on his heritage as a Filipino, Go depicts how relaxing and being happy can often come in bite-sized potato chips. Other pieces document the path to “success” or metaphorically, the top of the jungle — which can be deeply corrupting full of scars and treachery.

Hakunas Patatas and Pumba Tocino Spam, two of the seven works in the exhibition, feature Pumba and Timon from The Lion King. Go uses common Filipino household snacks in unison with these characters to demonstrate the light-hearted and joyful tone they represent. Paying homage to his roots through the artwork’s playful design, the work symbolizes the happiness and joy these snacks and characters can bring to traditional Filipino families.

