More Sarin Gas In Syria Days After Trump Says US Won’t Depose Assad? Sounds Legit!

Caitlin Johnstone
Extra Newsfeed
Published in
4 min readApr 5, 2017

In 2013, investigative journalist Seymour Hersh published a story for London Review of Books titled “Whose Sarin?” in which he pointed out some massive plot holes in the official narrative the Obama administration and its corporate media mouthpieces were feeding the public about sarin gas being used in Syria. An important factor Hersh highlighted was that the al Qaeda affiliated jihadist group al-Nusra, which is still fighting in Syria to this day, had sarin gas and the ability to make more of it. This plainly should have made al-Nusra a suspect in the sarin gas use, but as Hersh puts it, the Obama administration “cherry-picked intelligence to justify a strike against Assad” instead.

In the above interview about his investigative piece, Hersh mentions that the so-called “moderate rebels” in Syria had been overrun by terrorist factions many months earlier. Again, this was way back in 2013 and experts were already discussing how the only groups still fighting the Assad government are jihadist extremists. You wouldn’t know it from the corporate media’s coverage of the recent sarin gas attack in Idlib though of course, where the terrorist groups in the area are being referred to as “rebels” and “opposition forces” instead of what they actually are.

So we’ve got a nation full of vicious terrorist groups known to have the ability to manufacture and distribute sarin gas, a media that as Ben Swann and Vanessa Beeley report has been consistently lying to us about Syria, the increasingly-indistinguishable neocons and corporate Democrats pushing for Assad’s removal so aggressively that they can truly be said to be searching for ways to “justify a strike against Assad” as Hersh puts it, a power struggle between the deep state which wants to depose Assad and the Trump administration which has been saying that it doesn’t, and this is all happening days after the administration announced that it had no intention of attempting to remove Assad from power, in a nation whose power establishment has lied to the American people to manufacture consent for military interventions time and time again.

Nope, not suspicious at all.

Does any of this make sense to you? Am I missing something here? The US government was just saying it has no intention of deposing Assad five days ago, the Syrian army has been making significant gains against terrorist fighters in northern Hama, and all of a sudden Assad decides to do the one thing he knows from experience could incite all of NATO against him? On what planet does that make sense? Assad may be a dictator, but there’s no reason to believe he’s schizophrenic or suicidal.

Seriously, how do Americans make these bizarre plot lines work in their minds? Do they imagine the leaders in these countries their government wants to invade as some kind of cartoonish, cackling, mustache-twirling supervillain, saying things like “Hahaha, today since I’m such an evil foreigner, I will use chemical weapons on small children! Heeheeheehee!”? I think that lack of empathy, that inability to put oneself in another’s shoes and come up with a reasonable idea of what they must be going through, is the precise cause of much of the world’s needless suffering today.

And now Trump is blaming the sarin attack on Assad and saying it “cannot be tolerated,” so that’s great. There aren’t enough facts in yet to know the specific implications of that position, but I see no reason to believe they’ll make the world a better or brighter place. There also aren’t enough details to know whether Trump has been duped by a deep state false flag. There are certainly enough details to know that we should be intensely suspicious of the official narrative we’re being given, though.

“Cherry-picked intelligence to justify a strike against Assad.” Governments aren’t supposed to do that, America. Leaders aren’t supposed to go looking for excuses to invade other countries. War is something that should be avoided except in the direst necessity, not sought out to the point where lies are told just to make everyone okay with it. Let’s stop this madness before it eats us all alive.

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