What We Did on Mo’orea

Around the World in 111 Days on Island Princess (Port #4 Mo’orea, French Polynesia)

C.A. Jaymes


Tendering to port from the Island Princess (Author’s photo)

The fourth port of call on our epic 111-day world cruise was the island of Mo’orea just four hours by boat from Tahiti, our most recent port of call.

Like Tahiti, Mo’orea is also a member of the Society Islands group of French Polynesia — the other groups are the Marquesas Islands, the Austral Islands, the Gambier Islands, and the Tuamou Archipelago, totaling 130 islands in all.

Our ship arrived right on time and dropped anchor in Opunohu Bay. Mo’orea is too small to have a cruise dock, so passengers were ferried to the island via ship’s tender.

Once we debarked the water shuttle, we walked a gauntlet of vendors and took a cab ride to a nearby beach where we waded in the ocean and relaxed on the sand for a few hours.

The hubby getting his feet wet. (Author’s photo)
Relaxing in the shade (Author’s photo)

When we’d had our fill of the beach, we crossed a beautiful palm tree-filled park on our way back to the taxi stand.



C.A. Jaymes

I write about all kinds of things. I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my stories!!