TV Size Comparison — Get Details Of Different Type PLASMA, LCD, LED & OLED

Michael Dylan
3 min readJan 4, 2018

Purchasing a TV could be frustrating in case you’re not quite sure what you should want at. Modern televisions possess a baffling variety of acronyms, formats as well as tech jargon all made to promote as well as explain their features. However, if you don’t understand what to look for studying your TV could be a minefield.

Within this guide we’re likely to check out the main difference in TV types — we’ll concentrate on PLASMA, LCD, LED & OLED and provide a brief explanation of the way they work.

So let’s begin with the basics along with a TV format not pointed out above- The CRT.


Cathode Ray Tube will be the old style ‘chunky TV’ (and monitor). The cause it’s so bulky is really because the box needs to house a screen along with a projector gun. A picture is made by firing electrons via this ‘gun’ onto a screen, thrilling the particles on it. These TV formats have been receiving the fall because the early 2000’s using the intro of far smaller LCD screens.


LCD’s are thin displays, used in laptop computers and television screens. The word ‘LCD’ Means ‘Liquid Crystal Display’.

A liquid crystal display is really a special flat panel that may block light, or let it pass. The panel consists of segments with every block full of liquid crystals. The color and transparency of those blocks could be changed through increasing or lowering the electrical current.

LCD crystals don’t produce their very own light, so another source of light just like a florescent bulb is required to create a picture.


Contrary to public opinion, LED TV’s are not a totally new format of TV- Instead, they’re simply an up-to-date version of the previous LCD technology. LED utilize the same technology as being an LCD TV, but rather than being illuminated by way of a fluorescent bulb through behind, they’re lit by an array of LEDs (light emitting diodes). They are much more efficient as well as smaller in size, meaning the TV could be narrower.


Plasma screens are made from 2 sheets of glass using a mixture of gases stored between your layers. These gases are inserted and covered in plasma form throughout the production process, hence why we’ve the name ‘Plasma TV’.

When charged with electricity, the particular gases react as well as cause lighting in the pixels in all directions.

Plasma, is possibly better than LCD & LED when it comes to contrast as well as color accuracy. Nevertheless the format, because of costs, is fixed to larger screen shapes, generally 40-inch +. In these bigger screen sizes, purchasing the Plasma option has a tendency to work out cheaper. It’s also utilized in the super-sized 80-inch+ screens as being the plasma screens are easier, and much more cost effective, to create on the larger size.


OLED is a huge leap forward in screen technologies. As opposed to its name suggests, OLED is certainly not like LED.

OLED means ‘Organic Light Emitting Diode’ and also uses ‘organic’ materials such as carbon to make light whenever supplied directly by electricity. Not like LED/LCD screens, an OLED TV doesn’t need a backlight to light up the set area. Without its restriction on the external source of light, OLED screens could be super thin, as well as crucially, flexible.

Because the individual areas could be lit up directly and never with an external backlight, the colors and contrasts tend to be better on OLED TV’s.

Overall, OLED is thinner, much more flexible, faster at digesting images, creates deeper colours and much more crisp in comparison. It is, however, still very costly and will not be viewed on consumer TV’s in an ‘affordable price’ for at least an additional year.

The next thing is to sort out what size TV is the most suitable for you. Take a look at our tv size comparison for the ideal fit for your house.

