Caleb Lytton-Jean
1 min readJul 12, 2017


LOL, that’s the first comment I have read on here correcting the article. thank you for correcting the article.

Good thing you told the author the fact compare to all the sexist men that made the comments didn’t correct it but cheering for them to do some harm.

I understand that organization and it is important to help protect the victims being falsely accused, and need a better system to go step by step to actually help all the victims. But, most of the time that most victims didn’t get justices are females, nearly all are females. Go to korea, you will be surprise that men’s rights are so strong there, while women in college get….…. are much much much high compare to here. scary…

There is an interesting parody video

The sad part is, that is true how almost all the victims that face this.

I blame the men culture for creating this crisis women faces and falsely accused victims faces. Blame the men’s rights that many men made comments on here for ignoring so many victims that forced to move to another universities or drop out when the real perpetrators get away with it.

Thank you for actually correcting it compare to other men that wrote sexist comments like they did on mine. But, hey, you know how men are….

