Google Analytics for Streamlit in 3 Easy Steps

Caleb Dame
5 min readNov 27, 2023

A complete answer to an often-asked question.

Streamlit has no official support for Google Analytics — and that sucks. Google Analytics is crucial to understanding how your users behave on your application: tracking clicks, page navigations, and other key events.

There some tracking resources through the Streamlit ecosystem, namely the streamlit-analytics extension [Github link here], but Google Analytics is still the industry standard for … **checks list**all industries.

If you have your Streamlit web app deployed on a platform like or, you are going to want access to the micro-level events and the macro-level trends of behaviors on your site.

Luckly, as is usually the way with Streamlit, there is a roundabout way of getting more complex operations to work.

Right off the .bat — What doesn’t work:

In Streamlit you can inject HTML+Javascript into your page like so:

import streamlit as st

st.markdown(body, unsafe_allow_html=True)

As long as body is proper html, and doesnt depend on any code outside of this snippet, it should usually work fine; however, do not use this method to inject any Google Analytics.



Caleb Dame

Data Science | Finance | Marketing | Bitcoin | Python