How Does AI Help Me Write My Articles?

3 min readSep 19, 2023


The Medium landscape has seen a transformation, with an increasing number of articles appearing to have the distinct touch of artificial intelligence.

This isn’t necessarily a secret, yet many authors sidestep adding a disclosure, believing the style speaks for itself. I stand somewhat differently on this spectrum.

While I embrace the capabilities of AI, I staunchly believe in its role as an assistant, not a replacement.

The ideation, the soul of the article — it’s all me.

And it’s only fair to be transparent with my readers about how the AI fits into my process. What follows isn’t a tale of an article crafted by AI, but rather, how it serves as a digital assistant to my writing journey.


AI: The Assistant, Not the Author

I see AI as a tool that helps me give shape to these raw ideas swiftly and coherently.

Generally, I outline the skeleton of the topic, writing down concepts I want to delve into.

The AI then suggests potential content. It’s almost like having a brainstorming session.

But here’s the key: I refine and tailor this content, ensuring it aligns with my voice, ethos, and the message I want to convey.

The Travel Generator: An Example

To bring this abstract process to life, let’s delve into the making of my “Build an Automated Travel Planner with Next.js and OpenAI API: Unleash the Power of AI” article. I’ll illustrate how I intricately weave my writing process with AI acting as my assistant.

I encourage you to delve into this article to gain a deeper understanding of my creative process that I’ll describe here.

1. First and foremost

This article serves as a web development tutorial, like most of my stories.

While I won’t delve into the specifics of the tutorial here, it’s essential to understand that code writing is a fundamental part of my creative process. It’s not just about writing an article.

2. Setting the Scene

I provide an initial prompt to the AI, painting the context and overarching theme.

This is essential to ensure that the AI is aligned with my vision.

To double-check, I solicit confirmation of understanding.

3. Laying the Groundwork

With the AI now tuned to my wavelength, I share the introduction and outline ideas.

From there, I request a potential title, introduction, and conclusion.

These act as my article’s pillars.

4. Diving Deep

Then comes the main content.

With the pillars in place, I task the AI with fleshing out each section. I provide detailed cues, emphasizing the concepts I want highlighted.

The AI comes back with content suggestions, which I then mold and adapt to resonate with my intent and style.

And I do that for each section. For example:

In the vast realm of content creation, AI has emerged as a formidable ally. It has the prowess to expedite quality writing, making the process smoother and more efficient.

But let’s not forget the human touch.

While the AI can suggest, shape, and refine, the essence remains human.

My articles might be polished by AI, but they are, and always will be, conceived and birthed by human creativity.





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