Top 10 Lesser Known Secrets of Secret Societies

Caleb the Modern Day Prophet
7 min readMar 2, 2023


Secret societies have long fascinated people with their mystique, secrecy, and enigmatic symbols. Many of these groups, such as the Illuminati and the Freemasons, have existed for centuries and have been the subject of numerous conspiracy theories. While much is known about some of these societies, there are lesser-known secrets that have been kept hidden for years. In this article, we will explore ten lesser-known secrets of secret societies.

10. The Illuminati

The Illuminati is a secret society that was founded in Bavaria, Germany, in the 18th century. The society’s goals were to oppose superstition, prejudice, and the abuse of state power. However, the group was disbanded in the late 18th century, and many of its beliefs and practices remain shrouded in secrecy.

One of the lesser-known secrets of the Illuminati is their use of a cipher machine, called the Spartacus code, to communicate with each other. This code, named after the leader of the slave rebellion against the Roman Republic, was used to encode secret messages and protect the society’s secrets. The code was so effective that it took years for outsiders to crack it.

9. The Freemasons

The Freemasons are a fraternal organization that originated in the late 16th or early 17th century. They are known for their secrecy, rituals, and symbols. Many influential historical figures, including George Washington and Benjamin Franklin, were Freemasons.

One of the lesser-known secrets of the Freemasons is the significance of the number 33. The highest degree in the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the 33rd degree. This degree is believed to confer on the recipient a greater understanding of the universe and the meaning of life. However, some conspiracy theorists believe that the 33rd degree is only the beginning of a higher level of knowledge that is reserved for a select few.

8. The Skull and Bones

The Skull and Bones Society, also known as “The Order of Skull and Bones,” is a secret society founded in 1832 at Yale University. It is one of the most well-known secret societies in the United States, and its members are some of the most powerful people in American society, including politicians, businessmen, and lawyers. While much of the society’s activities are shrouded in secrecy, one lesser-known secret is their initiation process for new members.

The initiation process for the Skull and Bones Society is known as “tapping,” and it takes place during a student’s junior year at Yale. The process is highly secretive, and the identity of those tapped is never revealed. The chosen students are led into a windowless building known as the “Tomb,” where they undergo a series of bizarre and often humiliating rituals. According to some accounts, the students are forced to strip down to their underwear and lie in a coffin while members of the society shout insults and obscenities at them. The initiation also involves bizarre sexual and psychological rituals, which are said to include mock crucifixions and other forms of psychological torture. The exact details of the initiation process are not known, as members are sworn to secrecy, but it is believed to be one of the most intense and grueling initiation processes of any secret society.

7. The Bilderberg Group

The Bilderberg Group is a highly secretive annual meeting of approximately 130 members of the European and North American political elite, as well as experts in various fields. The group was first established in 1954, and its meetings are closed to the public and the press. The location of each year’s meeting is kept secret until shortly before it takes place, and attendees are sworn to secrecy about the content of the discussions that take place.

One of the lesser-known secrets of the Bilderberg Group is that they have been known to invite controversial figures to their meetings. In 2008, for example, the group invited Peter Mandelson, a British politician who had resigned from his government post twice over accusations of financial impropriety. The invitation was not widely reported in the press, and Mandelson’s attendance was only confirmed when a photograph of him with other attendees was leaked to the media. The secrecy surrounding the group’s activities and the controversial nature of some of its attendees have led to widespread speculation about its true goals and influence.

6. The Rosicrucians

The Rosicrucian Order is an esoteric secret society that is known for its teachings on mysticism and spirituality. It is said that the society was founded by Christian Rosenkreuz, a legendary figure who is believed to have lived during the Middle Ages. One of the lesser-known secrets of the Rosicrucians is their belief in the existence of “Invisible Masters,” a group of spiritual beings who are said to guide the members of the society in their spiritual journey.

According to Rosicrucian teachings, the Invisible Masters are highly evolved beings who live in the spiritual realm and have achieved a level of spiritual enlightenment that is beyond that of ordinary human beings. These beings are said to communicate with the members of the society through dreams, intuition, and other means. The Rosicrucians believe that the Invisible Masters offer guidance and wisdom to those who seek it and that their teachings can help members achieve spiritual growth and enlightenment.

5. The Thule Society

The Thule Society was a German occult group that was active during the early 20th century. It was known for its interest in the supernatural, mysticism, and ancient Germanic myths and legends. One of the lesser-known secrets of the Thule Society is their belief in the concept of “Hollow Earth,” which holds that the Earth is not a solid sphere, but rather contains a vast network of tunnels and caverns.

According to Thule Society teachings, these tunnels and caverns are inhabited by a variety of beings, including extraterrestrials, lost civilizations, and even the remnants of the Aryan race. The society believed that these beings possessed advanced technologies and spiritual knowledge, and that contact with them could lead to a new era of human enlightenment and progress.

4. Opus Dei

Opus Dei is a highly secretive Catholic organization that was founded in Spain in 1928. The organization is known for its emphasis on personal holiness and piety, and its members are expected to lead lives of extreme devotion and self-denial. Opus Dei has been the subject of controversy, with some accusing the group of being a cult.

One of the lesser-known secrets of Opus Dei is the practice of corporal mortification. This involves engaging in acts of self-discipline, such as fasting or sleeping on a bed of nails, in order to purify the soul and achieve greater spiritual enlightenment. While the practice is not mandatory for members, many choose to participate in it as a way of showing their devotion to God.

3. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was a secret society that was active in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It was founded by three members, William Wynn Westcott, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers, and William Robert Woodman. The society was heavily influenced by occultism, particularly the teachings of Hermeticism and the Qabalah, and it aimed to develop spiritual and magical knowledge among its members. The Golden Dawn believed in the existence of an astral plane, and they used various magical rituals to explore this realm.

One of the lesser-known secrets of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn is the use of symbolic colors and elements to represent various stages of spiritual growth and attainment. In the Golden Dawn’s system of magic, there were four levels of spiritual development, each associated with a different color and element. The first level was represented by the color black and the element earth, symbolizing the material world and the physical body. The second level was represented by the color white and the element air, symbolizing the mental plane and the intellect. The third level was represented by the color red and the element fire, symbolizing emotions and the will. The fourth and final level was represented by the color gold and the element water, symbolizing the attainment of spiritual enlightenment.

2. The Order of the Eastern Star

The Order of the Eastern Star is a Masonic auxiliary organization that was founded in 1850. It is open to both men and women, and it aims to promote the moral and social virtues of its members. The organization is known for its intricate rituals and symbolism, which draw on elements of Christianity and the occult.

One of the lesser-known secrets of The Order of the Eastern Star is that its rituals involve the use of secret handshakes and passwords. These are used to identify members and to ensure that only authorized individuals are present at meetings and ceremonies. The organization also has a strict hierarchy, with different levels of initiation and membership.

1. The Hashshashin

The Hashshashin, also known as the Assassins, was a secret society that emerged in the 11th century in Persia. The society was founded by Hassan-i Sabbah, who used psychological techniques to recruit followers and establish his power. The members were known for their strategic assassinations of political and religious figures, and their activities caused fear and chaos throughout the region. The society was eventually dissolved in the 13th century, following a series of military defeats by the Mongols.

One lesser-known secret of the Hashshashin is their belief in the Garden of Paradise. The society’s members were promised a place in this heavenly garden if they fulfilled their duties, including carrying out assassinations. The belief in the Garden of Paradise was a strong motivator for the members to carry out their duties, even if it meant sacrificing their own lives. This belief system also instilled a sense of loyalty among the members, who believed that they were part of a divine mission. While the existence of the Garden of Paradise is debated, it remains an important part of the Hashshashin’s history and legacy.

In conclusion, secret societies have always fascinated people and sparked their curiosity. While some of these organizations have gained notoriety for their rumored sinister activities, others have remained shrouded in mystery and intrigue. The lesser-known secrets of these organizations add to their mystique and continue to pique people’s interests.

Despite the secrecy and exclusivity of these societies, many of them have contributed to society in positive ways, such as philanthropic works and the promotion of ethical and moral values. Ultimately, the true nature of these organizations and their secrets will always remain a subject of debate and speculation. However, their continued existence and influence on society show that the allure of secret societies is unlikely to fade anytime soon.



Caleb the Modern Day Prophet

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