A Lazy Man’s Guide To Being (Slightly) Better

C. Alexander
8 min readJan 10, 2020

Don’t Worry, There’s Still Beer and Netflix

“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”
Mark Twain

I am a serial procrastinator. I always have been. Sometimes I make myself feel better about it when I read articles like this one, which mentions procrastinators being more creative, or this one which says that procrastination is one of the 11 common traits of highly intelligent people. But really, at the end of the day, laziness and procrastination have kept me from living up to my potential in many ways.

So how do I find a way to continue to go out with my friends on a Tuesday, binge Netflix after a long week, skip the gym when I’m not feeling it, and still be reasonably healthy, happy, and productive? Well, I won’t pretend I’ve got it all together, but I think a few of these strategies can show you how I’ve balanced a carefree attitude with, among other things: publishing two books of poetry, becoming a college professor, losing 30 lbs, getting engaged to a girl way out of my league, running an indie music podcast and blog, and learning 3 new instruments, all while still working my day job as a high school teacher.

1. Wake Up Early (Unless You Stayed…



C. Alexander

New book: A Poetry Book To Read (Or Put On Your Coffee Table) So You Can Impress Your Friends: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0846N415G