3 Days Until The Book Is Live


As I mentioned in the last post, the book is actually already live, at least the paperback version is. I broke down some of the reasons for that in the last post. The kindle version will go live tomorrow, and it will be priced at $4.99. Here’s a tip if you are thinking about buying the kindle version, wait until Monday. It will be free. So why did I price it at $4.99?

Psychology is weird.

The way Amazon markets its products is by showing two things:

  1. How much cheaper the kindle is than the paperback. Well right now, I’d rather someone buy a paperback before I go live, so I’m not worried about using that to my advantage.
  2. When I do my kindle countdown deal starting Monday, Amazon will show the book as free for 5 days, and it will also show that the book is usually $4.99 with a big slash mark through it. When it stops being free, I will lower it to $.99, because I don’t really care about making money with this book. In fact, if you join my email list, I’ll give you two books for free.

You don’t want to make money?



C. Alexander

New book: A Poetry Book To Read (Or Put On Your Coffee Table) So You Can Impress Your Friends: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0846N415G