Did Aliens Create Life on Earth?

4 min readMar 25, 2020

This is the seventh article in a series based on my original work on the theory of self-reproducing machines. In the first article I laid out the theory of self-replicating programs, the previous article was about how to use self reproducing machines to terraform Mars based on the types of elements which constitute the surface of the planet.

In this article I will explain how the theory of self reproducing machines supports the hypothesis that ancient aliens from our galaxy sent self reproducing machines to terraform Earth and create the atmosphere, and that these very same machines also led to the creation of all forms of life as we know it.

The Role of Trees

It’s a remarkable fact that tree’s contain a massive amount of DNA that they never use for anything, and that seemingly the DNA for all of the various forms of life can in a certain sense be “found in the DNA of trees

This suggests the hypothesis that Tree’s are a fundamental structure in the mathematical theory of evolution which function in such a way as to manage to overall growth of the entire system based on a single self reproducing machine. In other words, the DNA in trees may originally have been the “mater program” which seeded life on Earth, and which evolved over time to adapt to the specific conditions of the planet according to the theory of self reproducing machines as outlined in this series of articles

These ideas suggest that Tree’s play a much more important function in the ecosystem of the Planet Earth than merely recycling carbon into oxygen and nitrogen gas. In fact, there may be small remnants of the first nano-sized self reproducing machine which contained the master program and came to Earth. These ideas also suggest that if life on Earth were to go extinct, that the original self reproducing machine would be able to re-evolve a new life form which has never previously existed in the history of the universe, and never will again once it goes extinct

The Master Program

My conjecture is that its possible to write the DNA for a single self-reproducing machine to construct an entire family of possible future evolutionary histories. This is the so-called “Master Program”. Random factors will determine when starting from scratch how the entire system will evolve, and it will also depend on the physical and chemical properties of the environment.

The theory of self reproducing machines suggests a much deeper study of the DNA in trees may yield new information about the history of life on Earth, as well as fundamental mathematical facts which can be learned about the theory of self reproducing machines.

In just the same way as the computational power of the human nervous system provides a road map for constructing new intelligent life forms, the nature of the DNA of Tree’s suggests a road map for the theory of self reproducing machines itself.

Getting Off of Planet Earth

If we assume that the human race has only existed once in the entire history of the universe, then the question presents itself if we will be able to achieve space travel and leave this planet and colonize another planet in our solar system like Mars.

If the human race is unable to leave Planet Earth before it goes extinct, then it might be the case that there will never be any life form in our galaxy which achieves space travel before the end of time.

The Alternative Hypotheses

One alternative hypothesis to the idea that aliens in our galaxy sent a self reproducing machine to create life is that these aliens managed to achieve a method for faster than light transport of microscopic sized self reproducing nano machines from another galaxy, possibly using a combination of the Casimir effect and the Alcubierre drive, and that it might not have been sent here originally from as long ago as would be estimated by calculations which do not allow for faster than light transport of microscopic particles.

The remaining hypothesis is that it was all random. This would mean that the human race might be the only life form that will ever exist in the history of the universe, unless that is, we are able to achieve space travel and colonize another planet before going extinct and can seed other planets with new life forms. This makes the theory of self reproducing machines that much more important for the survival of the human race and intelligent life in not only the galaxy, but other galaxies as well.


There is no way to know if aliens might have teleported a faster than light self reproducing nano machine from another galaxy, or just flew it here on an asteroid or something, or if it’s all random. In any case we need to get the human race off Earth asap before it goes extinct.

