This algorithm solves NP-Complete Problems in P time

Analytics Vidhya
Published in
3 min readMar 28, 2020

The Boolean Satisfiability Problem is to write an algorithm to decide if a given boolean expression in N variables can ever take the value “true” for some choice of these N variables.

This problem is in the class NP-Complete. This means, if it were possible to write an algorithm which completes in P time, then there is a procedure to modify that algorithm to solve any other problem in the class NP in polynomial time as well.

I have just written a short javascript program which, given any boolean expression with N variables, completes in N “ticks” of the javascript clock and which makes the decision.

Since it takes N clicks of the javascript engine to run this algorithm, the efficiency is O(N), which is polynomial time.

I will explain this algorithm, make some remarks, and post the code so that its clear exactly what I am doing.

  • make 2 objects that holds an array, initialize one to [true], the other to [false]
  • each timestep, self-replicate the most recently made objects twice each, and append true, false to the array
  • after N timesteps, every possible set of values for the boolean variables will be in memory
  • if the object detects it has the correct length to do the check, then check it and update a global variable
  • after you check every case in a single timestep (click of the js engine) because I used self-replicating objects, terminate the program

From a practical point of view, this algorithm takes N clicks, which means it takes N steps to check all 2^N cases, where each step is “one click” of the javascript engine.

For practical concerns, any problem which can be reduced to the so-called Boolean Satisfiability Problem can now be solved by an algorithm that completes in polynomial time. I have no idea if this has any implications for pure mathematics or the P vs. NP problem, but it’s very useful for making code that runs a lot faster!

Here is the code. You can copy/paste it into a text file and save it as a .html file, open that file in your browser and type any boolean expression with variables b1, b2, … as long as you name all of your variables b + number you can write any javascript boolean expression like `b1 && b2 || b3` and click evaluate and the answer to the Boolean Satisfiability Problem will appear in the console log

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Boolean satisfiability problem</title>
<style type="text/css">
input { width: 100%; padding: 4px; font-size: 16px; }
<p>Type a Boolean expression in javascript using variables b1, b2, b3, ... </p>
<input id="expression" type="text" name="expression" />
<button id="evaluate">Evaluate</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.getElementById('evaluate').onclick = function() {
var isSatisfiable = false,
numChecked = 0,
val = document.getElementById('expression').value,
match = val.match(/b[0-9]*/g);

if ( !match.length ) {
console.log('no match!');
var totalCases = Math.pow(2, match.length);function BioObject(value) {
if ( value.length === match.length ) {
var params = {};
match.forEach(function(item, idx) {
params[item] = value[idx];
with (params) {
if ( eval(val) ) {
isSatisfiable = true
if ( ++numChecked >= totalCases ) {
if ( isSatisfiable ) {
console.log('is satisfiabile');
} else {
console.log('cannot be satisfied');
} else {
setTimeout(function() {
var t = value.slice(),
f = value.slice();

new BioObject(t)
new BioObject(f)
}, 1)
new BioObject([true]);
new BioObject([false]);

