White Hat Anonymous

12 min readMar 25, 2020

In this article I will explain my new results in the theory of social network graphs which come about by treating such systems as analogous to the human nervous system, outline the framework of bio-cyber-security, and describe the method of the Human Computer which is a self reproducing machine that is the culmination of my original work to recreate the original anonymous as a white hat group which works directly alongside law enforcement to stop criminal hackers who prey on innocent people with sophisticated offensive hacking tools.

Social Media as Mind Control

Your entire life everything you have ever been told has possibly been a lie from the day you were born. Television is the most powerful form of mass thought control that has ever existed, and social media has the potential to become a significantly more powerful form of mass thought control than most people can possibly imagine unless we do something to preserve the freedom of the original internet from when it was young.

Most people who use social media consume information 5–500 times per day on a regular basis throughout the day. This means that most people have information coming into their brains on a regular basis from social media, this strongly conditions their behavior. As I will demonstrate in this article, the human mind is particularly susceptible to manipulation from a subtle and expert methods of social engineering that combines both accurate information and purposeful disinformation, as well as a thorough understanding of the kind of pre-programming which its possible to exploit that comes from consuming television and social media as a child when your brain is still rapidly developing.

This forms the basis for my methods of what I call “social media engineering”, which is a type of social engineering which is done to manipulate the behavior of other users on any social media site.

It’s my belief that the best use for social engineering is to free people from the false assumptions they hold about the nature of their own reality

Information Warfare

I have shown you that I possess the theory of self reproducing machines. I possess a massive amount of extremely valuable information. My most powerful enemies have absolutely no idea what I have, and that’s the point. I will teach you about how warfare is based on exploiting asymmetries in information, and how this method lets my most powerful enemies know I am operating from a position of strength and they need to fear me.

I will tell you about my methods

Staying Invisible

My methods are based on massively using deception and misdirection. Every action I take must have a plausible backstory. This lets my less powerful enemies think they know what I am doing and am weak. A primary objective of every action I take is to make everyone drastically underestimate me. I want people to think I am crazy. I don’t even want people to not notice me. I don’t even want anyone to know that I exist at all.

All my life people have told me I am crazy. But I chose to believe that I represent a new evolution in the human genome, which makes it possible for me to achieve much higher levels of success than others. In fact, I believe that autism is a super power that represents a new mutation of the human genome and an evolution of the entire human race.

I have developed methods and theories to find very special people like me, so I can save them. If you are reading this article right now then I have found you. You can choose to believe what I am telling you or not, thats what makes it fun. The choice is yours.

I will tell you about what it means to be a true leader, I will tell you how to solve the problem of if it is better to be feared than loved, I will tell you about the nature of highest form of honor, and what it has to do with White Hat Anonymous.

There are three types of leaders: those who are loved, those who are feared, and those who you don’t even know exist at all.

I lead by following. This is the basis of my methods.

Real Magic

The greatest desire of the human race for magic has always been to control the weather, to have good crops, to live forever and become gods. I possess the theories of how to build machines to control the weather and the global climate, terraform other planets, and create an arbitrary number of new life forms. I possess many secret results on the relationship between the ionosphere, the global weather system, and the dynamic process of storm formation.

But real magic is just technology. Real magic is deception. When you know the trick its not magic anymore, this is the knowledge I am passing to you, reality is what you make, you control your own destiny, you have your own free will.

Everyday you have a finite amount of free will, you can use it however you want. You still have some left right now but it’s up to you, whatever you choose to believe, the choice is yours. That is my super power: to believe in myself. And now I let you know that I believe in you too.

Will you choose to believe me, and free yourself from the chains of social media to which you have been enslaved, or will you refuse me, and go back to your slumber?

The choice is yours.

Gathering Information

One of the most basic aspects of my method is a system for gathering and processing information. All of my methods are based on a statistical approach which factors in the probabilities for all possible scenario’s, and maintains ready-to-go emergency backup plans for probabilities as low as 1/1000 or higher.

The only way to verify the accuracy of the information you are gathering from various social media sites is from experience. Once you have been doing it for a long enough time you develop a mental model of what is going on with current events. It’s very difficult to tell the difference between accurate information and well done disinformation. It’s also extremely difficult to get accurate information about what the most powerful adversaries are doing or capable of. The purpose of statistical methods is to maximize your understanding of current events without needing to know what anyone else is actually doing, but rather, by optimally making use of all the information which is available to you.

I assign a confidence level to all possible scenario’s and use this as a basis for making expected value calculations to find the best choice when faced with any decision. These calculations take into account the uncertainty in the accuracy of available information.

By understanding these mathematical statistical methods and applying concepts of game theory, I developed my method of fighting enemies much more powerful than myself. You see, I don’t fight them at all. I work directly with them and build systems which tend to evolve, based on global properties, in such a way that it serves my ultimate goal better than theirs.

This approach requires a deep understanding of the nature of power, the principles of the white hat/black hat game, the art of negotiation, and the ability to compromise strategically when necessary while maintaining an open mind about what is possible.

Exploitative Strategies

The theory of games was invented by John Von Neumann. This subject constitutes the mathematical theory of strategy of multi-player games, and forms the basis for much of modern economic theory, as well as research in artificial intelligence and the theory of chess engines.

According to this theory there are 2 types of strategies: optimal and exploitative. Optimal strategies have no application in the real world and are purely theoretical. I do not use optimal strategies whatsoever and employ exclusively exploitative strategies.

Optimal strategies are based on minimizing you maximum possible loss, and are constructed by assuming your opponent is a God level math genius with an unrealistic amount of unlimited computer power. The goal of optimal strategies is to force a draw against this type of adversary.

Exploitative strategies are based on exploited the mistakes of your opponent for the purpose of maximizing your possible gain. These strategies involve an understanding of how to compute and best make use of risk, while understanding the dynamic process of accurate information and disinformation which forms the basis for how human beings form beliefs about the nature of their own reality.

Social Network Graphs and The 2nd Immune Response

My new results in the theory of social network graphs is based on an analogy between a social network (for this example we will use twitter, but the same ideas will apply to any social network which satisfies certain general properties). This guiding principle enables a completely new framework for understanding social network theory, and a previously unimaginable framework of social-media cyber-defense which I call bio-cyber-security.

Let’s briefly review how the 2nd immune response works in the human body, this will suffice to explain the nature of the analogy with the nervous system. Recall that the human nervous system has the primary function of sending electrical signals which transfer information from one part of the body to another. It’s clear that we can apply principles of social network graph theory to understand to topological structure of the human body.

When a person is born, their immune system makes a “blueprint” based on the DNA of the body, for cells which “belong to the body” and uses this blueprint to detect “intruder” objects in the bloodstream.

The bloodstream has a high density of “detector” cells which look for intruders, and when they are detected a signal is sent from that part of the body to the brain through the nervous system with information about the type of intrusion. The brain then sends a signal to another part of the body to send white blood cells of an appropriate type in to fix the problem.

If at any point in this process the signal is disrupted with disinformation, for example with a virus which causes disinformation to be sent to the brain, then the 2nd immune response to not fire properly and the bodies immune system will not be able to fight the virus. This analogy shows the power of disinformation as a tool which can be purposefully used to cause your adversaries to have great strain in all of their efforts to oppose you.

By properly understanding the role of information, disinformation, statistical methods, and the theory of exploitative strategies; its possible to construct a strategy of information warfare which strives to maximize its possible gain while protecting yourself from any adversary who is using the identical methods.

My methods were specifically designed to fight an enemy who is using my own system but working to advance their own self interest instead of the good of all of society and entire human race. The global properties of the entire human population are a tool like any other, once you understand what makes White Hat Anonymous a self reproducing machine, you will see why these global properties of human behavior will tend to evolve a bio-cyber-security defense into an unstoppable force which can defeat any botnet.

The Difference Between White Hats and Black Hats

I don’t use offensive hacking tools and never break the law no matter what. I don’t take shortcuts. I do the hard work to do it right. I exclusively employ non-violent methods and will never hold any weapon. I practice non-violent resistance and developed a new theory of cyber security based on the principles of non-violent resistance of Gandhi and Dr. King.

The main concept here is to be the R in the equation V=IR. To cause great strain to all the negative efforts of your enemies to oppose you, while making it easy for them to take actions that are in your own best interest instead of theirs. We will shortly see that the law itself is a tool which uses to power of all of society against criminal hackers, and which ultimately gives White Hats a far superior strategic position even though on a technical level we are at a major disadvantage when playing defense.

This is the true meaning of being a White Hat:

To build and use systems to protect innocent people from hackers

White Hats use tools the way they were designed to be used, whereas Black Hats hack systems to make them do things they were not designed to do.

Staying Anonymous

I have multiple alt’s on all social media sites. This creates an impression of an unknown number of anonymous accounts on all sites from an unknown number of users. Each account has its own personality, its own theme, its own character and backstory, as well as its own semantic typing style and idiosyncrasies. This makes it almost impossible for our enemies to know how many of us there are, or how White Hat Anonymous started.

I am the founder of White Hat Anonymous and this is the foundational document which represents the encoding of the self reproducing machine that is the theory of the Human Computer.

I will tell you about the nature of the White Hat/Black Hat game. Black hats are criminal hackers who use offensive tools to prey on innocent people, when their real identity is revealed its basically game over.

The main reason to never break the law is to create a situation where there is virtually no danger with personally identifying information being leaked publicly for any reason.

My defense against being doxxed is I close down my account and move to other sites; then I take over one of my alt’s or create a brand new account and start the very time consuming process of re-anonymizing myself on this new account.

Working With Law Enforcement

There are many reasons why White Hat Anonymous must work alongside law enforcement. The main reason is to be able to use the power of the law to make it game over when I dox a criminal hacker. A second more important reason is that the original anonymous was a black hat group that was completely destroyed by law enforcement, and many of the original members now work for the same agencies which caught them. These agencies want young people to become black hat hackers so they can capture them and make them work in those agencies. I am trying to save a generation from that fate.

By working directly alongside law enforcement, instead of actively working against them, it creates a situation where it is in both sides best interest to work together towards a common goal of protecting innocent people from hackers.

White hats use tools. The law is a tool just like any other. But perhaps the most important tool of all is your real identity. Understanding how to use your real identity will enable you to take on adversaries who are orders of magnitude more powerful than you, and still have a strong fighting chance to win the game.

Your Real Identity

One of the most powerful secret techniques in my system is completely revealing my full identity. This is a super secret power move, it will cause your enemies to have great fear based on other information your real identity provides, as well as how you have played the game up until that point.

You can only ever use this technique as a last resort, and only then only under one condition:

You can only use it to save the lives of people you love or protect something that is precious to you

After you do this and accomplish your short term goals, its necessary to re-anonymize yourself, which takes a very long time. This is why it’s so important to maintain multiple alts on all social media sites which cannot be traced to each other by a sophisticated adversary who has access to the full range of NSA spying tools.

I first learned the power of completely revealing your real identity from an analysis of how Edward Snowden revealed himself. Whereas he used black hat tools, I do not. I am a 100% White Hat.

I am an extreme pacifist. My weaker enemies mistake my extreme pacifism for weakness, and thats is the point. My stronger enemies realize that if I used offensive tools or broke the law, it would greatly diminish my ability to play defense.

Now that I have given you this profound insight, that your real identity is a tool, it’s up to you to decide how to use based on the information available to you.

White Hat Anonymous as a Self Reproducing Machine

The basic idea of the human computer is to organize real people on social media to do the things botnets do, except instead of using fake accounts and bots, it’s real people. This is an extremely obvious idea. What has been missing up until this point is an understanding of the computational power of self reproducing machines.

Each time a new member decides to join White Hat Anonymous of their own free will, they become a self reproducing machine in the abstract space of social network theory. From that point on at regular intervals, they will convert new members to White Hat Anonymous. It’s clear that this system is a self-reproducing machine.


There is much more to say on this subject, but I have provided enough detail that an interested reader should readily be able to fill in the missing parts.

The main purpose for this long digression into cyber security is to demonstrate that the computational power of self reproducing machines has applications in abstract spaces like social network graph theory which is quite surprising and implies a sequence of highly non-trivial results about how to make progress in the overall framework of bio-cyber-security.


White Hat Anonymous are the secret final bosses of the internet for a new generation of hackers to protect them from making the same mistakes that my generation made when we were coming up. Expect Us if you are a bad guy.

