Life before and after Technology

Cali llagas
2 min readAug 31, 2017


Life without technology is very interesting

What happened before when technology never existed?Here are your answers!

  1. Use Maps and ask for directions

Now a days, we use GPSs to know where you want to go. Before, you needed to ask for directions and use maps. It’s so surprising that if you needed to go somewhere you needed to go and ask! Guess everything changes!

2. Send Letters

These days, E-mail, Messenger, Viber etc. are used for texting, facetiming or calling. Before, people would have to send letters. Letters would take so long to be delivered. It would take days, weeks even MONTHS just to recieve that letter.

3. You had to buy by Yourself

Right now, we can use Lazada to buy clothes, delivery to get food etc. Before, when there wasn’t technology, you had to walk or run just to get things you need. I know people still walk to shop but still you could do it on your couch!



  1. We can use phones and computers

these days, we can use computers and phones for all kinds of things. Texting, calling or ordering food. Not a lot of people now go out, sadly. it is great and all but going outside and playing is really fun too!

2. People can go find places easily

Without GSPs people can never find places that easily. That is why cars are useful too!

