Employers Have To Ensure Safe Work Environs

Fred Alder
3 min readMar 10, 2017


Safety at the work place is very important and employers can be sued for any lack in safety precautions which could prove to be hazardous to the employees. Though precautions are taken, there are cases of serious injuries or in some cases even death reported. In case of accidents in certain industries like the refinery and petrochemical industry or the energy or environmental industry, the cause of injury or death could be the presence of toxic substances in the air or the lack of oxygen in the air. Calibration gas suppliers take a lot of care to ensure that they provide high quality specialty gases, equipment and chemicals to their clients so as to detect the presence of any toxic gases.

Precautions To Be Taken When Producing Calibration Gas

To ensure that only high quality products are supplied it is necessary to be precise in the manufacturing of calibration mixtures. The purity of the chemical raw material has to be taken into consideration as well as the calculation of the mixture to be calibrated. The blending has to be exact and again the final mixture has to be analyzed. A quality check is further conducted by using the latest techniques. This amount of perfection is important since the cylinder of calibration gas that is supplied is what is used as a comparative standard when gas detectors or analyzers are calibrated. There are two types of gas cylinders supplied by calibration gas suppliers; one is the non-refillable steel calibration gas cylinders which are compact and easy to handle. They are economical and can hold non-reactive gas mixtures like nitrogen, argon and helium. The cylinders made of aluminum are used to hold gases that cannot be filled in steel cylinders like chlorine, nitric oxide, Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide. These cylinders come in different sizes and are of the disposable variety.

Types Of Gas

It is important that calibration gases have a definite composition or nature. Depending on the requirements of the customer, there are three types of grades available and they are Primary, Certified and Gravimetric standards. The most accurate of these is the Primary standard because it is made by weight unlike the certified standard that is made by weight and/or pressure measurements. Whatever the standard, the calibration gas suppliers will ensure that all the mixtures are analyzed one last time before delivery and a certificate will be offered that will have all the details regarding the preparation of the gas.

Points To Consider When Choosing A Gas Supplier

Many calibration gas suppliers do not follow all the steps necessary to ensure that the product manufactured is of top quality and keeping with the standards. The raw materials that they use may not be of the best quality and this affects the final product. Not all suppliers have a good internal standard to compare their gas which could mean that the calibrated gas is not the best. The techniques used to fill the cylinders are to be considered because a well prepared cylinder means optimum performance. Of course good customer service is also a point to consider when a gas supplier is chosen.

