Ways to Light Your Kitchen with LEDs

Calida Jenkins
3 min readJan 6, 2018

The kitchen occupies a very important place in every home. It is considered a pious place in millions of families. Each and every member tries to keep the kitchen clean, free from insects and exclusively decorated using the different types of the decors along with lighting's.

There are numerous ways to give a brand new look to your kitchen with lights. Let us discuss the few ways to light your kitchen using LED lights:

  • Lighting cabinet interiors kitchen with LEDs

The door of a refrigerator when opened, the different shelves in it looks clear because of the illumination produced by the lighten bulb in it. In the same manner, all the kitchen cabinets can be lighted using the LED light Channel on the underside of every shelf, keeping it at a suitable distance from the cabinet front. It will perfectly light things in each cabinet. Easy to install, light channel LED provides maximum lights and is available in varied lengths ranging from 2 to 97 inches.

  • Under-cabinet kitchen lighting

Without the emission of the heat causing damage to the different appliances and surfaces, the LED lightings offer a multitude of levels and light colours. The LEDs casting a warm and cool glow are the best for under-cabinet lightings. For the add-on beautification of your kitchen, you can choose versatile designs, and look for the dimmable options.

  • Accent lighting

There is a great importance of accent lighting to showcase your architectural works and designs in your kitchen. It will definitely draw the attention of the onlookers and gather lots of good compliments for your unique way of lighting your favourite kitchen with LEDs. You just need to ensure your kitchen accent lighting is four times brighter than the other lights surrounding your room in order to distinguish it. LED spotlight is also the good option to use in the kitchen. You can use the long-lasting Philips LED spots for warm white and coloured lighting in your pleasant kitchen.

  • Recessed LED lighting

For the beautiful kitchens, recessed LED lighting’s are certainly energy saving option today. It provides your kitchen with the required illumination with beautification in addition. Due to the feature of durability, it will last longer and avoid the changing of bulbs at shorter intervals.

It is essential to consider the measurements of the beams and space to fill in the gaps with recessed LED lighting's in the spacious kitchens specifically. Make sure you select the LED recessed light bulbs that will fit perfectly in the kitchen.

  • Using LED puck and Dot lights

The LED puck lights are a very good option to highlight particular objects. It also creates a distinctive effect loved by all. LED puck lights and Dot lights are preferred more because of its compact size and easy installation. The LED dot lights are a perfect solution for the tight spaces such as closets or under cabinets.

Using these tips you can easily redefine the look of your kitchen with the different types of eco-friendly LED lights.

