Tendermint Staking & Wallet

1 min readDec 9, 2019


After almost a year and a lot of changes, the Tendermint based blockchains iOS app is almost ready to be launched.

It’s more than a wallet, as supports voting for governance proposals, delegating to validators, withdrawing rewards, re-delegation form one validator to another and more.

So far it supports Cosmos, Terra, Iris (read-only for now, we have a problem with the local signing), Kava and Bitsong, but the plan is to expand in the future.

The team behind this project is quite small, me and syncnode, both validators on the mentioned chains. We also got some help Bit Sentinel with the security audit, to make sure the passwords and the mnemonics stored in the device’s keychain are secured and never exposed.

The app offers a list of nodes provided by syncnode, but the user can delete them and add his own (if the rpc interface is up and running).

All signing is done locally on the device, no networking involved at all (except the broadcast of a locally signed transaction at the end).

Until we get to the app store, feel free to use the beta app available in testflight here:


Any feedback or suggestions are welcome here kytzu@syncnode.ro

Enjoy ;)

