I Stopped Drinking Alcohol 10 Years Ago. This Is What Happened

Calin Ciabai
6 min readDec 18, 2023

Almost 10 years ago, I decided to stop drinking alcohol. Since then, I only had a tiny sip of champagne at a wedding and ate a few liquor-filled candies over the years.

That’s ALL!

Apart from that, I have not touched alcohol and I don’t plan ever to drink again.

This article tells you why I decided to take this radical approach — but most importantly, what are the effects of this decision. Trust me — it’s a lot better than one can anticipate!

Why Did I Decide to Stop Drinking?

Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

I was not an alcoholic. I wasn’t a heavy drinker either.

Sure, 10 years ago I was 30 and I was going out on weekends with my friends, having a few beers or a couple of glasses of whiskey and Cola or such. Nothing too crazy.

At home, I used to enjoy a glass of wine in the evening every now and then or one-two beers during the warm months. Again, nothing too crazy.

At the same time though, I ate like crap. I mean… I ate crap. Ha!



Calin Ciabai

Professional blogger with a knack for anything geeky. Also loves finances, travel and staying healthy.