on suicide…

Shervin Talieh
1 min readJun 8, 2018


Anthony Bourdain took his life today, and now I’m reliving my best friend’s suicide all over again. The act itself never actually ends the pain, it just transfers it to the living.

And now, the questions…

I think about his daughter, his family, friends. I think about the stories he had yet to tell, the places he had yet to visit, the cultures he had yet to expose (in his own authentic way) to masses.

What a loss. What a tragedy.

And how is it that we are still not equipped to help people who are suffering like he did? As we rush to redistribute, reshape and redefine labor through AI and robots, what are we doing to keep our humanity, and to help people when they are not going to ask for it?

I hate this day. As someone who’s had his own struggles with depression and contemplated the end, this hits home. Damn, Anthony. I can’t hate you, but I hate what you did.

