Is AI Threat To Call Centers — Call Center Outsourcing Companies

Alicia Gray
2 min readJul 24, 2017


“The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race. It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete, and would be superseded.”

— Stephen Hawking

This statement by physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking should serve as an alarm for enterprises seeking the help of AI at a huge scale to replace human labor. While artificial intelligence isn’t a threat to our world, its obsession is what will lead man to his demise. Jeff Bezos and many other entrepreneurs are focusing on deploying this new age advancement without understanding its impact on our world. One amongst the biggest threats of technology is that it is capable of destructing our world and creating one that suits them.

Today, numerous call center outsourcing companies are discussing deployment of AI for customer support processes. This step might be capable of reducing the overall operational cost but it can generate unemployment that is already a concern for even the most powerful nations of the world. Call centers generate employment for a huge number of people all across the globe; if its operations will rely on artificial intelligence then what will millions of people do? Entrepreneurs are the modern world’s leaders and they have certain responsibilities towards the society. By switching to artificial intelligence they can do a lot more damage than they realise.

We made artificial intelligence a reality and now we are prone to the threat, which once was suffered by the maker of mankind. We divided him and wrecked his creations; the robotic world might even be the work of karma but we still have the chance to stop this from happening.



Alicia Gray

Technology Blogger | Telecom Billing & OSS Solutions | BPO Services | Contact Centers | Data Analytics | CRM | IVR Solutions