Understanding Internet Leased Lines: Benefits, Features, and Considerations

Acmatel Communications
11 min readMay 11, 2023


Internet Leased Line (ILL) is a dedicated, fast, symmetric internet connection that offers businesses guaranteed bandwidth. It is a well-liked option among companies that need constant, dependable, high-speed internet connectivity to run their mission-critical applications.

We will discuss the idea of an Internet Leased Line, its advantages, the various alternatives available, and how it contrasts with other forms of internet connectivity in this article. We will also go over some security issues that companies employing ILLs should be aware of as well as the elements they should take into account when selecting an Internet leased line operator.

Whether you’re a small business looking for a reliable internet connection or a large enterprise that requires high-speed, dedicated connectivity to support your operations, this article will provide you with everything you need to know about Internet Leased Lines.

Understanding Internet Leased Lines: Benefits, Features, and Considerations

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. What is an Internet Leased Line?

  • Benefits of an Internet Leased Line

3. What is Internet Leased Line — Dual Last Mile

  • Benefits of Internet Leased Line Dual Last Mile

4. Internet Leased Line vs Broadband

5. Features of an Internet Leased Line

6. Internet Leased Line — What are the Different Options?

7. Considerations When Choosing an Internet Leased Line

8. Top Internet leased line providers

9. Conclusion


In today’s digital age, reliable & fast internet connectivity is crucial for businesses to operate efficiently & effectively. The internet has become an essential part of the business infrastructure, and companies are constantly searching for ways to improve their connectivity. One solution that many businesses turn to is an Internet Leased Line. In this article, we will discuss what an Internet Leased Line is, its benefits, features, and considerations when choosing one.

What is an Internet Leased Line?

What is an Internet Leased Line?

An Internet Leased Line is a dedicated, symmetric, point-to-point connection that provides high-speed, reliable, and secure internet connectivity. It is a type of leased line that is exclusively used for internet connectivity and is dedicated to a single customer. The line is leased from a service provider who provides a physical connection between the customer’s premises and the service provider’s data center. The leased line is not shared with other customers, ensuring a consistent & predictable internet speed.

Businesses that need high-speed internet connectivity, like large firms, data centres, banks, and government institutions, frequently employ internet leased lines. Additionally, they are perfect for companies that need dependable & secure internet connectivity for mission-critical programmes like VoIP, video conferencing, and cloud-based services.

Benefits of an Internet Leased Line

Reliable and Consistent Internet Connectivity: With an Internet Leased Line, businesses can enjoy high-speed, reliable, and consistent internet connectivity. As the line is exclusively dedicated to the customer, there is no contention or sharing of bandwidth with other users.

  1. Guaranteed Internet Speed: Internet Leased Lines offer guaranteed internet speeds, ensuring that businesses can rely on a consistent and predictable connection. Service providers typically provide Service Level Agreements (SLAs), which guarantee minimum levels of service uptime, latency, and packet loss.
  2. Symmetric Bandwidth: Internet Leased Lines offer symmetric bandwidth, which means that the download and upload speeds are equal. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that require a high upload speed, such as those that need to transfer large files or use video conferencing.
  3. Increased Security: Internet Leased Lines provide a more secure connection compared to standard broadband connections. As the line is dedicated to the customer, there is no sharing of the connection with other users, reducing the risk of security breaches.
  4. Scalability: Internet Leased Lines are scalable, which means that businesses can easily increase or decrease their bandwidth requirements as their business needs change. This provides businesses with the flexibility to adjust their connectivity as required.

What is Internet Leased Line — Dual Last Mile

The last mile is the final stretch of the telecommunications network that connects the customer’s premises to the internet service provider’s (ISP) network. The last mile is often the bottleneck that limits the quality of the internet connection. With traditional ILL connections, a single last mile is used to connect the customer’s premises to the ISP network. However, with ILL-DLM, two last miles are used to provide redundancy and increased reliability.

In ILL-DLM, two last miles from different sources are used to connect the customer’s premises to the ISP network. The two last miles can be from different technologies or different ISPs, ensuring that if one fails, the other can provide the necessary connectivity. This redundancy is critical for businesses that require high-speed, uninterrupted internet connectivity for mission-critical applications.

Benefits of Internet Leased Line Dual Last Mile

  1. Increased Reliability: With ILL-DLM, businesses can achieve increased reliability due to the redundancy provided by two last miles. If one last mile fails, the other can provide the necessary connectivity, ensuring that businesses do not suffer from internet downtime.
  2. Improved Quality of Service: With two last miles, businesses can achieve better Quality of Service (QoS) for their internet connection. ILL-DLM provides businesses with high-speed, symmetric connectivity, ensuring that they can upload and download data at the same speed, reducing latency and improving the overall user experience.
  3. Better Uptime: The use of two last miles ensures that businesses can achieve better uptime for their internet connection. With ILL-DLM, businesses can minimize the impact of internet downtime on their operations and ensure that they can continue to operate even when one last mile fails.
  4. Flexibility: ILL-DLM offers businesses more flexibility in terms of choosing the last mile providers and technologies. Businesses can choose different technologies and ISPs to ensure that they have a backup plan in case one fails.

Internet Leased Line vs Broadband

When it comes to internet connectivity, businesses have several options to choose from, including broadband and Internet Leased Line (ILL). While broadband is a popular choice among small businesses, larger enterprises often opt for Internet Leased Line due to its higher speed, reliability, and dedicated connectivity.

Internet Leased Line vs Broadband
  • Bandwidth: Internet Leased Line offers symmetric bandwidth with guaranteed speeds, whereas broadband offers asymmetric bandwidth with variable speeds.
  • Speed: Internet Leased Line provides high-speed connectivity up to 10 Gbps, while broadband typically offers limited speed options, typically up to 1 Gbps.
  • Reliability: Internet Leased Line provides dedicated connectivity with minimal downtime, while broadband uses shared connectivity with potential downtime.
  • Latency: Internet Leased Line has lower latency, which is crucial for real-time applications, while broadband has higher latency due to shared connectivity.
  • Security: Internet Leased Line provides dedicated and secure connectivity, while broadband uses shared connectivity with potential security risks.
  • Installation: Internet Leased Line installation takes longer due to dedicated connectivity, while broadband installation is faster due to shared connectivity.
  • Cost: Internet Leased Line is generally more expensive than broadband due to dedicated connectivity, while broadband is less expensive due to shared connectivity.
  • Scalability: Internet Leased Line is more scalable with high-speed connectivity options, while broadband has limited scalability due to shared connectivity.
  • Support and Service: Internet Leased Line offers high-quality support and service, while broadband may have variable support and service quality.

Keep in mind that these are general characteristics and that the specific features and benefits of each option may vary depending on the internet leased line provider and location. When choosing between Internet Leased Line and broadband, businesses should carefully consider their specific needs and budget.

Features of an Internet Leased Line

  1. Dedicated Connection: An Internet Leased Line provides a dedicated connection between the customer’s premises and the service provider’s data center. This ensures that the connection is not shared with other customers, providing a consistent and predictable connection.
  2. Guaranteed Bandwidth: Internet Leased Lines offer guaranteed bandwidth, ensuring that businesses can rely on a consistent and predictable connection. Service providers typically provide SLAs, which guarantee minimum levels of service uptime, latency, and packet loss.
  3. Symmetric Bandwidth: Internet Leased Lines offer symmetric bandwidth, which means that the download and upload speeds are equal. This is particularly beneficial for businesses that require a high upload speed, such as those that need to transfer large files or use video conferencing.
  4. High-Speed Connectivity: Internet Leased Lines offer high-speed connectivity, with speeds ranging from 1 Mbps to 10 Gbps.
  5. Scalability: Internet Leased Lines are scalable, allowing businesses to easily increase or decrease their bandwidth requirements as their business needs change.
  6. Redundancy: Many service providers offer redundant Internet Leased Lines, ensuring that businesses have a backup connection in case of a primary line failure.
  7. Quality of Service (QoS): Internet Leased Lines offer QoS features, allowing businesses to prioritize traffic for critical applications such as VoIP and video conferencing.

Internet Leased Line — What are the Different Options?

Internet Leased Lines (ILL) are dedicated, high-speed internet connections that provide businesses with guaranteed bandwidth, symmetric connectivity, and QoS features. When it comes to choosing an Internet Leased Line, businesses have several options to consider. In this article, we will explore the different types of Internet Leased Line options available to businesses.

I. Full Duplex and Half Duplex ILLs

Full duplex and half duplex are the two types of ILLs. Full duplex Internet Leased Lines provide equal bandwidth for both upload and download traffic simultaneously. It means that businesses can upload data at the same speed as they can download data. In contrast, half duplex ILLs provide different speeds for upload and download traffic. This type of connection is not preferred in most business scenarios because it can cause slow data transfer and network congestion.

II. Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL)

Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) is a type of ILL that uses copper telephone lines to provide high-speed internet connectivity. ADSL is a popular option for small businesses or home offices that require internet connectivity for basic internet activities like email, web browsing, and file sharing. However, ADSL’s maximum bandwidth is lower than other types of Internet Leased Lines, and it is not suitable for businesses that require high-speed connectivity for data-intensive applications.

III. Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL)

Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line (SDSL) is a type of ILL that provides symmetric connectivity, which means it offers equal bandwidth for both upload and download traffic. SDSL is an ideal choice for businesses that require high-speed internet connectivity for data-intensive applications like video conferencing, cloud computing, and large file transfers.

IV. Ethernet over Copper (EoC)

Ethernet over Copper (EoC) is a type of ILL that uses copper cables to provide high-speed internet connectivity. EoC offers symmetric connectivity, which means businesses can upload data at the same speed as they can download data. EoC is a popular option for businesses that require high-speed internet connectivity but cannot access fiber optic connections. EoC offers bandwidths of up to 20 Mbps, making it an ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses.

V. Fiber Optic Internet Leased Line

Fiber optic Internet Leased Line (FILL) is a type of ILL that uses fiber optic cables to provide high-speed internet connectivity. Fiber optic connections offer high bandwidths, low latency, and high reliability, making it an ideal choice for businesses that require high-speed internet connectivity for data-intensive applications. FILL offers symmetric connectivity, which means businesses can upload data at the same speed as they can download data. Fiber optic Internet Leased Lines can offer bandwidths of up to 10 Gbps, making it the best choice for large and enterprise-level businesses.

Considerations When Choosing an Internet Leased Line

Considerations When Choosing an Internet Leased Line
  1. Cost: Internet Leased Lines are more expensive than standard broadband connections, and the cost increases as the bandwidth increases. Businesses should consider their budget and bandwidth requirements when choosing an Internet Leased Line.
  2. Service Level Agreements (SLAs): Service providers typically provide SLAs, which guarantee minimum levels of service uptime, latency, and packet loss. Businesses should ensure that the SLAs meet their requirements and have penalties for non-compliance.
  3. Installation Time: The installation time for an Internet Leased Line can take several weeks or months, depending on the availability of physical infrastructure and other factors. Businesses should plan accordingly and ensure that they have a backup connection during the installation process.
  4. Service Provider Reputation: The reputation and reliability of the service provider are critical factors when choosing an Internet Leased Line. Businesses should research service providers, read customer reviews, and check their track record for reliability and uptime.
  5. Redundancy: Redundancy is an essential consideration when choosing an Internet Leased Line. Businesses should ensure that the service provider offers redundant lines to provide a backup connection in case of a primary line failure.

Top Internet leased line providers

There are many internet leased line providers available in the market, ranging from large national providers to local and regional providers. The availability of internet leased lines may vary depending on the location of the business, as some providers may have limited coverage areas. Some of the top internet leased line providers in the United States include:

  1. AcmaTel Communications: It is one of the best Internet Leased Line (ILL) service providers in India, providing 12,000+ km of connectivity with high-speed and dedicated Internet Leased Line connectivity. Their Internet Leased Line Connection is beneficial for big and even small enterprises that are dependent on the internet for their business activities.
  2. AT&T: AT&T is one of the largest internet leased line providers in the United States, offering a range of solutions for businesses of all sizes.
  3. Verizon: Verizon offers high-speed internet leased lines with guaranteed symmetrical connectivity, making it an ideal choice for businesses with high-speed internet needs.
  4. Comcast Business: Comcast Business offers internet leased lines with up to 10 Gbps of bandwidth, making it an ideal choice for businesses with high bandwidth requirements.
  5. Level 3 Communications: Level 3 Communications offers internet leased lines with guaranteed symmetrical connectivity and QoS features, making it an ideal choice for businesses with high-speed internet needs.
  6. Spectrum Enterprise: Spectrum Enterprise offers internet leased lines with guaranteed symmetrical connectivity and high availability, making it an ideal choice for businesses that require high-speed and reliable internet connectivity.
  7. Windstream: Windstream offers internet leased lines with guaranteed symmetrical connectivity and QoS features, making it an ideal choice for businesses that require high-speed and reliable internet connectivity for critical applications.

When choosing an internet leased line provider, businesses should consider their bandwidth requirements, service level agreements, installation time, and reputation and reliability of the service provider. It is also recommended to read customer reviews and check the service provider’s track record for reliability and uptime.


Internet Leased Lines provide high-speed, reliable, and secure internet connectivity for businesses that require consistent and predictable internet speeds. With guaranteed bandwidth, symmetric connectivity, and QoS features, they are an ideal solution for businesses that rely on high-speed internet connectivity. However, they do come at a premium cost and require careful consideration when choosing a service provider. By considering the factors outlined in this article, businesses can make an informed decision when choosing an Internet Leased Line and enjoy the benefits of fast, reliable, and secure internet connectivity.



Acmatel Communications

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