10 Crucial Cybersecurity Threat Protection Tips — Call CMS

Call CMS
3 min readMay 30, 2022
Cybersecurity Threat Protection

Cybersecurity threat protection is more important now than ever. Help protect your business’s data by following these 10 cybersecurity threat protection tips.

1. Install the Latest Updates

Be sure to always install the latest updates for your business’s computer or smartphone operating system. These updates often fix vulnerabilities. This is very important for cybersecurity threat protection.

2. Keep Virus Protection Up-To-Date

Virus protection is an essential part of any cybersecurity threat protection. There are a variety of anti-virus and anti-spyware programs available — just be sure to check for updates regularly so your business is always protected against the newest threats.

3. Back Up Your Data

No matter how good your cybersecurity threat protection is, bad things can still happen. It’s always a good idea to back up your data — either on the cloud or physically on an external hard drive.

4. Protect with Passwords

Do you know those password requirements you’re always told to adhere to? Capital letters, symbols and numbers? The creator of those standards now says he was wrong and that they don’t actually make your passwords any safer. Instead, pick a string of simple English words of an assortment of different characters.

5. Always Use Two-Factor Authentication

If you ever have the choice of whether or not to enable two-factor authentication on any of your online accounts, enable it. Two-factor authentication is a great way to help protect your accounts from hackers and phishing schemes. This is a great feature of cybersecurity threat protection.

6. Don’t Leave Physical Devices Unattended

If you have physical devices — laptops, smartphones — that contain sensitive information, don’t leave them unattended. As an extra measure of cybersecurity threat protection, be sure to require a passcode to access the device.

7. Beware of Phishing

Don’t be complacent when it comes to email security. Don’t open attachments from unknown senders, and always be on the lookout for phishing scams, which try to gain access to your secure information.

8. Be Smart About Social Media

Be aware of what you post on social media and make sure you’re not handing scammers valuable information on a silver platter.

9. Embrace Encryption

Data breaches can happen even if you have safeguards in place. Encrypting your data helps ensure that even if hackers get in, they can’t access your data.

10. Consult an Expert

It’s okay to admit that you don’t know everything. If you think your business may be in need of some expert advice on cybersecurity threat protection, reach out for a complimentary consultation. The cost of onboarding an expert could be much less than the costs associated with a massive data breach.

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Originally published at https://www.callcms.com on May 30, 2022.

