Getting started with js-csp

Justin Calleja
7 min readMay 21, 2017


The TLDR of CSP (Concurrent Sequential Processes) is that it’s another way of modelling concurrency just like other models you might be familiar with — e.g. using Observables in ReactiveX implementations; Promises; or even callbacks (which I believe is a.k.a CPS (Continuation Passing Style)).

CSP uses a message passing style of communicating between processes. “Processes in JS!?” you might say — sure we might not be running more than one thread at a time, but the single thread we are running is typically in no shortage of asynchronous concerns to deal with — something CSP can help us out with.

Perhaps, in the context of JS, “communicating between generator functions” might be easier to follow.

In any case:

I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand. — Confucius

There… I can feel my beard growing longer already…

App requirements

We’ll be talking about CSP in the context of an example CLI app. Which means… this might not be the most focused discussion of CSP you’ll come across. But hey, my editor approves it (pats self on back).

We’ll be going through most of the code here but not entirely, so checkout the repo on Github.

We want:

  • Given: Github owner, Github repo, your Github username, your Github password
  • Output: a JSON document with all contributors of the selected repository (i.e. the given owner + repo), as well as all followers of each contributor of said repository.

Some things to note:

  • We need to exhaust Github’s pagination for the followers API.
  • We need to buffer found results in memory (as opposed to spitting data out ASAP), since we also want to do some head counting and make a record of totals in our output JSON.
  • We will only console.log the output JSON so we can re-direct the program’s stdout to a file. Errors can use console.error.

Another thing to note is that you might want to put the following in your .bash_profile (or similar):

export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace

That way, you’ll be able to prefix any commands you run through your shell with a space and have that command omitted from your history. (Of course, you might want to check if your shell actually supports this — I’m running zsh, but this should work fine for bash too).

Now you can export your Github password as an environment variable (GITHUB_PASS) once (prefixed by a space); not have that stored in your history; and not have to supply it every time to our CLI app (running the risk of forgetting to whitespace prefix that command) — phew… that was a lot shorter to explain in my mind…

Channels and processes

In CSP, we pass messages through channels. Unlike message passing in some other models of concurrency (like the Actor model), channels are not a simple “fire and forget” mechanism.

… and walk away from it. Think:

  • Phoning someone and waiting for them to pick up to tell them a message (synchronous message passing)
  • V.s. sending them an email (asynchronous message passing)

Another way you’ll hear this put is that channels come with “back pressure” built-in. Through back pressure, a channel’s consumer can communicate it’s readiness for consumption to the channel’s producer — which in turn can stop producing messages until the consumer is ready.

(Note: there are variations to this (like buffered channels) — but we’ll only be covering the basics here).

That’s pretty much all we need to know about CSP to start using it. Lets now have a look at our app’s processes and the channels they’ll be using.

Request process

We’ll have one process solely dedicated to making HTTP requests:

  • We’re using an infinite loop (a common pattern when programming with generators) to csp.take messages from a requestCh channel. This operation blocks until there is a message on the channel. That doesn’t mean it blocks our single thread (our program). We’re yielding out of this generator function allowing anything else on the event loop to execute.
  • We’re checking we got the right kind of message (more on this later).
  • Using the message’s content, we’re making an HTTP request and replying back on the given successCh channel with the parsed JSON we got back from Github’s API.

Contributor process

Another process will handle what to do with the response from the “get me all contributors request”:

  • I only skimmed the Github API but I saw no reference to pagination there, so I’m assuming the contributors request gets us all contributors.
  • We’re taking a message from the channel (put there by the requestProcess) and for each contributor in the JSON response, we’re adding the contributor to our output by sending another message to the outputCh .
  • We’re “spawning” another process (i.e. running a generator function) to handle getting the contributor’s followers. Apart from the initial URL to fetch a given contributor’s followers from (and the contributor’s login name), we’re also passing this new process a dedicated channel it can use to communicate with requestProcess .
  • Notice that spawning a new process gives us back another channel (doneCh). This channel receives the process’s return value. Since we’re take ing from this channel… it’s kind of important that our followerProcess generator function actually returns a value (and not loop infinitely) as that will unblock the contributorProcess and allow it to process the next contributor.
  • Once all contributors are processed (and, because of the way we set it up — all followers too), we’re ready to put a FlushMsg on our outputCh to stdout our JSON.

Follower process

The followerProcess below will be spawned for each contributor and it’s purpose will be to request all followers for a given contributor (exhausting pagination):

  • Right off the bat we put a message on requestCh to make an HTTP request and get our first page of followers.
  • Again, we enter an infinite loop… but remember, unlike the requestProcess , we must eventually exit this loop as the contributorProcess is waiting for a done signal on the doneCh . However, since we don’t know how many pages we’ll be requesting, we start off in an infinite loop.
  • After getting our JSON back, we send all followers to the outputProcess .
  • We check for the existence of the Link header in the response. If it exists we must put another message on the requestCh to make our next HTTP request. Otherwise, we’ll just return since we’re done paginating. Returning ends the generator function and the doneCh returned by csp.go in our contributorProcess gets a message (supposedly undefined since we’re not returning a value here).

Output process

Our final process, outputProcess is responsible for buffering all collected values and outputting our result when we tell it to. If you’re familiar with Redux, you should be pretty familiar with what’s going on:

  • We define our initial state and enter an infinite loop (since we don’t know how many messages we’ll be processing).
  • The idea then is to wait for messages and change the state accordingly. The reducers (which change our state) are not included here as they’re not quite relevant to the subject matter (see final code).
  • Upon receiving a FlushMsg we make our final reduction to our state (to add totals to the output JSON) and console.log .

Our messages are some type of sum types — ye?

When sending messages around, it stands to reason that you want to be able to distinguish between different types of messages. You might be familiar with the use of the action field in Redux messages — or some other ad-hoc way of tagging your messages. That’s cool — it works (even Erlang uses it).

However, I have a preference for using sum types if at all possible. JS doesn’t have (static) types, so we’ll be using the nifty daggy npm package to simulate them.

Why? Because I want to be able to create enumeration of messages, each with their own constructor to create them (without typos etc…) and check whether a given value (message) is of a particular kind.

The following example should given you a good idea of how to use daggy if you’ve never used it before:

A couple of loose ends & conclusion

CSP-unrelated, we’re using meow for CLI arg parsing and then calling the following main function:

Notice how we’re calling our initial go-routines (a.k.a processes, a.k.a generator functions — wow such names).

More importantly, notice that you cannot just yield in any old function — it must be a generator function. What’s more, you cannot just csp.take / put in any old generator function — it must be a generator function kicked off with csp.go . Hence the use of the helper function put above — which allows us to send the first few messages to kick off the whole thing (setting the project name and making our first HTTP request for the list of contributors).

Yes it takes a while

Note: if you’re actually going to try running this — it does take a while. The default owner/repo combo is ubulonton/js-csp and the output took about 1min 35sec to complete (I used time for this).

If you see the reducer’s code on Github , you’ll notice I’m not mutating the state and opting to copy over values instead. You might think that mutation would speed things up — but I tried doing so and there was only around a 1sec difference between the two.

In hind sight — the real issue is that not much is happening concurrently here folks lol… hey you gotta start somewhere right? At least you now know the basics of js-csp — perhaps you could write a concurrent version of this as an exercise? Or perhaps I’ll do just that next time. (liking the post doesn’t hurt :P)

Edit: Read part 2 here.

Got some js-csp examples in mind?

As an FYI, the people behind js-csp are currently looking to document some pragmatic use of the CSP model in JS, particularly:

how channels can help synchronize state in an interactive web app.

