The Cryptocurrency With A Real Purpose: NEM

Call me Ishmael
2 min readAug 13, 2018

During the crypto mania stage throughout the later months of 2017, I, like many others started to purchase everything I could get my hands on in the belief that this was the next Internet boom! I started to purchase anything that had the slightest mention of a 10 bagger with the expectation I’d be happily retired by July 2018.

July has come and past now and I’m still waiting for those elusive 10 baggers. I started researching a broad range of crypto currencies with the belief that blockchain truly does have beneficial factors to modern society. As the owner of a startup I looked away from the investing side and instead researched what platform would be of most benefit to my customers.

Our startup is a carpooling application designed to connect drivers/passengers together in the goal to offset costs for the driver and have cheaper rates for the passenger. (For more info please see

In mid February we started researching the NEM platform. NEM has a strong point of difference in the fact that they have many real world tangible businesses already utilizing their platform. The ease of use was a massive draw card; with minimal technology experience NEM made it simple enough so that even the most novice developers can understand how to work with them.

How did NEM help our customers though? With many new startups, trust is always an important priority to the consumers. NEM offered Mobi the ability to encrypt private messages on Mobi, mobile payments in which XEM was used as the financial payment platform, loyalty rewards points and many, many more benefits. In fact, I’ve attached a link to all the benefits at the bottom of this article.

Developing on NEM and the features they provide is most definitely enough of a draw card in itself. However, what we found most appealing was the support from all the community. Based in Australia, we were able to meet with leading members who provided extensive help throughout all stages! We were then able to run NEM101 meetups and have since connected with NEM members throughout the world!

NEM, unlike other platforms is creating a true platform to help improve the society that we live in today. Decentralizing Mobi has been one of the best decisions we have made and our customers agree.

NEM Enterprise Use Cases-

Mobi and NEM-


