They’re making millions

And they’re doing it with the help of your kids

3 min readDec 26, 2016

Yes, it absolutely is the largest online gaming platform out there for kids. I’m guessing for some adults too. If you’re unfamiliar, take a peek at the Roblox website.

I have 2 kids and they are both addicted to this gaming platform. (Why I’m writing this.)

I know, I used to play outside, climb trees and play hide-and-seek too. I limit their exposure. No worries Parenting Magazine. I’m a military guy, they get plenty of outdoor time.

So, now that we’ve covered the parenting end, let’s get into how they (Roblox) are making crazy amounts of money with the help of your kids. And you, for that matter.

Kids sign up and start making friends. Of course parents have to help (validate an email and electronically sign crap). They can choose from over 15 million games to play. Kids can also create their own games too — even invite friends to play their game. How freakin’ cool?!

Then they want to be cool like the other kids (or adult-kids?). The clothes their wearing, the bodies they have, the headphones, the material crap, et cetera. Like real life, huh?

Well, that’s all fine and dandy. However, your kids have to pay for it — well, you do. It’s easy! Buy Robux with real money. Then use the Robux in the game for everything.

Sorry for the quality, but I wanted to take these photos to show you what’s really happening. Yes, that’s $100 buckaroos for 15,000 Robux. That’s at the Builder Club price (another feature/club within Roblox that discounts Robux and allows you to resell your stuff back to the Roblox community). That’s another topic and also costs your kid/you more money for a selected membership.

The regular price of 12,000 Robux is usually about $99–$120 for a non Club member.

Let’s see what the kiddos can get with that kind of money…

Well, that’s about 9,000 + in Robux. Do the math. I’m no mathematician. So, for those 3 items, it’s going to cost roughly between $80 for a club member and up to roughly $100 for a non club member. Let’s just keep the low number. I’m terrible at math.

That’s $80 for a hat, some wings and Sinister Branches for their head.

Can you see it? Very simple. Roblox is making money on top of money. Thanks to you and your kids.

Let’s just say only 10 kids do this in 1 day. Yeah, that’s $800 smacks! Trust me, there’s more like 1,000 + kids doing this per day.

Thanks for reading! Please tap my ❤️




Solo dad and loving father. I'm a right-coast guy with a Doctorate in Common Sense. If you talk leadership; I'll probably comment. Oh, and I took the pic above.