Modern Android Development = Single-Activity Architecture

Ryan W
2 min readMay 13, 2023

Google updated its documentation on Activity embedding for large-screen support after Google I/O 2023.

You can read the documentation here:

This update stirred the pot among many Android developers. In the past few days, developers have expressed concerns about the potential return of the complications associated with managing multiple Activities. For example:

However, many did not initially realise that Activity embedding is primarily intended for those who have not yet adopted Jetpack Compose.

The documentation includes a significant note that states:

Note: Modern Android development (MAD) uses a single-activity architecture based on Jetpack APIs, including Jetpack Compose. Activity embedding is designed for multiple-activity, legacy apps that can’t be easily updated to MAD. Create new apps using MAD. Update your legacy apps to MAD whenever possible.



Ryan W

Android | Kotlin Multiplatform | Jetpack Compose 📱Releasing Android Apps since 2010 - dealing with the ecosystem not just coding