Persistence Hunting — When Humans Are The Superior Predator

Cal Archer
6 min readMar 1, 2022

Humankind has few things going for it in regards to our ability to hunt, but there is one thing we have that few other species do.

Photo by Julian Hanslmaier on Unsplash

If I may make a rather self-deprecating observation, humanity is kind of pathetic in the physical department if you think about it.

Our muscular strength is lower than animals that are less than half our size, our jaws and teeth can barely break through a lollypop, and we can be outrun a chicken, not to mention every larger quadrupedal animal. So what do we have that allowed us to rise up the ranks of the animal kingdom to become the dominant species on the planet?

The easy answer, and what makes up the largest reason, is our minds. We may not be as strong as other animals, but we are leagues more intelligent than the next smartest animals, which has allowed us to use tools and fire to hunt and survive. However, we also have another skill that helped greatly in hunting larger prey as we evolved up into homo sapiens.

This hunting method, known as persistence hunting, is still the most effective means we have at our disposal — that doesn’t require firearms at least — and is even still used by some die-hard hunters today.

What Is Persistence Hunting?



Cal Archer

A writer with a passion for mental health, wellbeing, and fiction writing writes about these topics as well as general observations on life.