Why Spiderman Far From Home is the Start of Something Bigger for Marvel

5 min readJun 19, 2019


But also, potentially the start of the end.

Through the course of Avengers Endgame, we saw multiple time periods being revisited by our many heroes, and at the end of the three hour epic Captain America was seen returning the stones to there assorted time periods as well as presumably Thor's Hammer, Mjölnir. This opened up a whole new possibility of a multiverse in the MCU; with multiple affected timelines like Loki taking the space stone and how Captain America regained his shield, leaving an alternate Steve Rogers without his Vibranium Frisbee.

With Spiderman being the first film to deal with the events of Tony’s snap, and Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury stating, “the snap tore a hole in out dimension”, it hugely expanded the possibility of the Universe, with now the ability to watch Loki on screen again, which is likely to be the timeline the new Loki series is to be set in. But will this open up and widen the MCU audience, or will it cause it to decline now the much anticipated Avengers Endgame is over?

Tom Hollands Spiderman and JakeGyllenhaal’s Mysterious Mysterio.

First of all, its hugely unlikely the success of Endgame is going to be equaled by any other MCU film anytime soon. The much anticipated Thanos threat through the build up of the Infinity war saga, is now over; eleven years of movie history is over. And it will be hard to build up anything to that extent again unless the MCU maintains its audience. Despite having literal tonnes of limitless comic material, still be outputted today, it will be difficult build up or maintain this audience, with people’s interest now dwindling as now there’s no potential Universe obliterating threat anymore, thanks to Iron Man of course. Spiderman Far From Home is the last film in Phase 3, tying together the threads of Endgame, whilst planting the seeds for the next phase with Mysterio being the first multiverse crossover, preparing the MCU for likely many more, just like in the comics.

The Marvel Universe of the, lets say ‘primary phases’, was but a single fish in the ocean of Marvel Comic material. After the tear in the fabric of the MCU from the few Snaps, there could be multiple Captain America’s just like we saw in Endgame. In a particular issue of the comics, the two versions of the Avengers battle each other in an attempt to save there planets from colliding in some mismatch due to a tear in the timelines (could this be the ending of Phase 4?); this type of material is straying far from the ‘down to earth’ ideas of Iron Man, Captain America; the First Avenger, and even Thor. Though Guardians of the Galaxy did expand it to a huge extent, with the addition of ‘warping’ through space, multiple alien races and many more freakish additions to the MCU, of which aided the Avengers of Earth in there battle to avenge the Universe after Thanos’ snap, could a multiverse be to far?

Marvel Comics Civil War issue. Recognize anyone you don’t recognize?

A multiverse would firstly give the MCU pretty much unlimited potential in whatever it would want to create; imagine an army of Thanos’ or Ultron’s — it seems unlikely, but its entirely possible, which kind of negates the consequences and actions of Endgame, so you can dry your eyes as it also means there are multiple versions of Tony Stark floating across the Multiverse. Can Marvel keep producing amazing Movies with ‘original’ story lines, or could it eventually get boring, with the world having there maximum dose of superheroes by the end of Phase 4 — will interest dwindle, even with the addition of new characters like Mysterio? Spiderman Far From Home will reveal all at the box office, but its likely the final input to phase three will do well due to its allusions to Tony Stark and interest how Earth is recovering after the ‘unsnappening.’ Plus Nick Fury seems to be making quite an appearance, which is always welcomed.

But it doesn’t end there. Recently Marvel Studios acquired X-Men. With Disney’s recent merge with 21st century Fox, all of the Marvel world is under the power of one studio. Now Fox has finished there mutant filled films over the last twenty films, and finishing on a somewhat disappointing note with X-Men: Dark Phoenix, Marvel now has the capability to expand there universe into a huge new dimension, including X-Men and The Fantastic Four alongside the Avengers — imagine Thor teaming up with professor X — well it happened in the comics so its possible. But its unlikely this will be anytime soon; with the recent volume of X-Men films, its likely that Marvel Studios will give fans a break before rebooting the franchise, with new actors taking on old roles, like Hugh Jackmans Wolverine, whihc could be strange for some.

Though there is the problem of interest in the franchise; though its currently at an all time high in the post period of End Game, maybe because this was the peak of the Marvel Universe so far; it could go down from here, with fans being ‘Marvelled-out’; so maybe these crossovers won’t come to pass.

We know one thing — the Marvel Universe is expanding, and now at an increasing pace, now there are so many possibilities of what could come to be, like Mysterio. But down to fact that Endgame was the end when it came to the Box Office number one, Disney will undoubtedly pump at lot more of there funds into the franchise, increasing its size, but maybe pushing fans of the original films away as its to far and ridiculous from what they knew, with this new concept of a multiverse. Spiderman Far From Home will reveal all later on this weekend, the size and scope of the possible future for the MCU.

If you don’t know the comics this is somewhat crazy — but soon it may be a reality.




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