Do You Paint Walls Or Woodwork Trim First?

Cal Phillips
1 min readAug 26, 2018


Getting ready to paint your interior, but wondering which to paint first, woodwork or walls? Wishing I could give you a straight up yes or no answer, but you’ll need to keep reading this article to see where you’re baseboards, trim, & woodwork fits in order when painting a room.

Having painted countless interiors, our painters just completed another interior today matter of fact, painting all the woodwork & walls with two ceilings of dire need, all this went very smoothly, without a hitch, painting in the correct order.

Painting a complete interior walls with woodwork, which includes door casings, baseboards, skirting boards, handrails, spindles, beams, ornaments, cabinets & cupboards is a monumental task for those not painting on a regular basis. Original article seen at



Cal Phillips

Read writing and clapper from Cal Phillips on Medium. A paint contractor, blogger, traveler, & outdoor enthusiast. Enjoy building net contacts across the web.