Chet Holmgren: Minnesota’s Next Great Big?

Calvin RaShaud Davis
2 min readJul 31, 2018


Minneapolis, MN — An emphatic two-hand tip back dunk in the Minnesota state championship game may have been Chet Holmgren’s introduction to many, but anyone familiar with his journey knows it’s been a road paved by hard work.

Two years ago Chet wasn’t the 6-foot-11 phenom that he is today. He was closer to 6-foot-3 and instead of his height getting him through, it was his ball skills.

“He hadn’t had his growth spurt yet when he began middle school. He started that season at 6-foot-3. As a shooter he was able to complete. And he could handle the ball. By the end of eighth grade he was almost 6-foot-8.” — David Holmgren (Father)

Chet’s adjustment to his newfound height has been most impressive to his father, David, who is a 7-footer himself.

“He lost his jump shot for about four months. But by June it had come back. He went down to Adam’s camp in Indianapolis last spring it was back. He didn’t lose his handles at all but he was a little awkwards but he’s coordination has come back. He’s definitely improved in the last 12 months. He’s a whole different guy.” — David Holmgren

A large portion of Chet’s work now centers around getting fully comfortable in his body. With his jump shot back in tact and ball handling coming together he’s been focused on his rhythm.

“He’s been working on his footwork. His feet are working. He’s playing good defense. Playing perimeter defense on much smaller players. THey try to drive on him and he’s blocking shots or they’re turning it over. Not too many are scoring on him. He doesn’t back down.” — David Holmgren

Holmgren’s defensive prowess was on full display earlier this month at the Battle of the Lakes he tallied up six total blocks.

“He’s still growing. He might have anywhere from two to four inches left him and he’s already 6-foot-11. 12 months from now he’s going to be scary.” — David Holmgren.

After winning his first state championship this season at Minnehaha Academy, Chet will be suiting up with Grassroots Sizzle this spring and summer. Stay tuned to for continuous updates.



Calvin RaShaud Davis

Hip Hop, Politics and Culture like the The Source was. And sports. Love sports.