Serving reveal slides with ease

Getting reveal.js into a docker container the way I want it

Calvin Giles
2 min readDec 7, 2014

I have recently started talking at meetups like PyData London about my experiences as a Data Scientist in a startup. I have also recently been moving onto docker to manage my development environment following a bumpy couple of years with MacPorts.

I wanted to use reveal.js to present the slides and found it simple to get a working setup but cloning the repo into each project I want to present from seemed awkward. I decided to find a docker image to do the job.

After a little searching, I found the markdown compatible parente revealjs image on docker hub. While this seemed good at first, it did not abstract the slides from the image, so I decided to change it to suit my needs. The result of this is revealjs-docker, which is available on docker hub as revealjs, a public docker image. If you have docker installed and a presentation in, simply run:

$ docker run --rm -v "$(pwd)/" -p 8001:8000 calvingiles/revealjs

from the same directory and grunt will serve your slides on your localhost or your boot2docker ip at port 8001 — for me this is To export your slides as a pdf, add print-pdf as an argument, like, to load a special css stylesheet for printing. You can then print your slides to pdf and they will be beautifully formatted! Note: this is only supported in chrome.

You can check out my slides on getting started with docker created using revealjs on slideshare.

Happy presenting!



Calvin Giles

Data Scientist and Engineer at Fiit | DS advice — | PyData London co-organiser