ART 103 | Student Art Presentations and Process

Calvin Ruda Lee
3 min readAug 26, 2019


“ I Know Our World is a Beautiful Place “

I Know Our World is a Beautiful Place is a Final project for ART 105. Depression and anxiety are usually not taken seriously in the Asian communities and I wanted to bring awareness artistically and let people experience what it is like to be depressed indirectly through the video. This project was made with the effects that were created on After Effect which were displayed on the model’s body and the background by beam projector. This project was filmed in my small room at 2 am and was finished in 7 hours but I couldn’t be more satisfied after exporting.

Images that were captured during filming

“Warning Sign”

Images before using AR components
Images after using the AR components

‘Warning Sign’

Warning Sign project was a combination of photography and AR components. This project was for an exhibition. Only the photos were physically exhibited but audiences were guided to see the photos through their cell phone cameras which made it able to see the ‘warning signs’ on the screen. Asian American culture is highly underrepresented and misrepresented by the media in modern society and the concept of the project was to criticize society and culture with satire.

“Youth and Escapade”

images from ‘Youth and Escapade’

Youth and Escapade is one of the most successful spontaneous projects that I’ve achieved so far. I always wanted to create a photography project before I graduate university about wandering youth and how reckless the youth is, but I wasn’t sure how to capture the rawness of my feelings into a photography project. Few of my attempts weren’t satisfying because it didn’t feel real to me. In the latest summer vacation, during our picnic, My friends and I were talking about Ryan Mcginley’s The Kids Were Alright project and how inspiring it is to all of us and all of sudden it felt like the perfect moment to capture our youth. So we took out the mirror that we picked up from in front of the antique furniture shop and started taking photos. This project describes me perfectly as an artist and I am proud to share it with my peers.

