Candida Spit Test: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Performing It

3 min readOct 2, 2023



In today’s fast-paced world, maintaining good health is a priority for many. One often overlooked aspect of health is the balance of microorganisms in our bodies, particularly the gut. Candida, a type of yeast, is one such microorganism that can cause health issues when it overgrows. The candida spit test is a simple at-home method that can provide insights into your candida levels. In this article, we will explore the candida spit test in detail, from what it is to how to perform it accurately.

What is Candida?

Candida is a naturally occurring yeast that resides in our mouths, digestive tracts, and genital areas. In normal circumstances, it coexists with other microorganisms and doesn’t cause any problems. However, various factors, such as a weakened immune system, excessive antibiotic use, or a high-sugar diet, can lead to candida overgrowth.

The Candida Spit Test Explained

The candida spit test is a simple and quick way to gauge the presence of candida in your mouth and potentially in your body. Here’s how it works:

Morning Test: Perform the test in the morning, as soon as you wake up, before eating or drinking anything.

Gather a Clear Glass of Water: Fill a clear glass with room temperature water.

Spit into the Glass: Take a few deep breaths, gather saliva in your mouth, and then spit into the glass of water.

Observation: Let the glass sit undisturbed for about 15 to 30 minutes.

Interpretation: Check the water for any changes.

If you notice strings, cloudiness, or specks that sink to the bottom, it may indicate candida overgrowth.

If the water remains clear, candida levels are likely under control.

Factors to Consider

It’s important to note that the candida spit test is not a definitive diagnostic tool. Several factors can affect the results:


A recent high-sugar or carbohydrate-heavy meal can temporarily increase the presence of candida in your mouth.


Certain medications, such as antihistamines or diuretics, can affect saliva consistency and may lead to false results.


Dehydration can also alter the results, so make sure you are adequately hydrated before the test.

What Do the Results Mean?

While the candida spit test can offer some insights, it’s not a substitute for professional medical advice. If you consistently observe signs of candida overgrowth, such as persistent digestive issues, oral thrush, or recurrent yeast infections, it’s essential to consult a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

Tips for Maintaining Candida Balance

Maintaining a healthy balance of candida in your body is crucial for overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

Diet Modification

Reduce your sugar and refined carbohydrate intake, as these can contribute to candida overgrowth. Opt for a diet rich in vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.


Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut into your diet to promote a healthy gut flora.


Practice good oral hygiene to prevent oral thrush, a common symptom of candida overgrowth.

Stress Management

High-stress levels can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to candida overgrowth. Practice stress-reduction techniques such as meditation and yoga.


In conclusion, the candida spit test can serve as a useful indicator of potential candida overgrowth. However, it should be used in conjunction with professional medical advice and not as a standalone diagnostic tool. Maintaining a balanced diet, good hygiene, and managing stress are key components of a healthy lifestyle that can help keep candida levels in check.

