CRODO project overview

2 min readMay 15, 2022


Hi there! Today we will look at the Crodo project. And let’s dedicate a few articles to him.

What is a Crodo? And this is a Platform that provides decentralized fundraising in the Cronos ecosystem. That is, it is a kind of launchpad platform.

And let’s start with the analysis of the project from the Whitelist project Crodo. Let’s go!

Going in, we see many sections on the left, which are nicely and neatly structured. And on the right side, information that will help us. Now let’s quickly go through some sections and briefly analyze, superficially, what you can find in them.

For example, in the Benefits section, we see how the project is unique and how it differs from other Ido platforms.

Take the next section, for example Cronos. And we see the benefits of what Crypto Com is best, or rather the best. What is unique, what useful features it has. And the main shortcomings are painted.

Going to the section of tokenomics, we can process all the material on the token Crod. Public and private sales, its initial capitalization, what the token will be distributed and so on.

Okay, let’s move on to the next section, Marketing. What can we find there? This section describes the stages of the project, it is (public round, staking, awards and ambassadorial program)

Taking into account ROADMAP, this is the so-called road map. In which I show you all the tasks for the first quarter and what are the plans for the project in the coming months.

In the sub-item documentation: we see different sections, such as staking, titles, ambassadorial program, referral program and others. Which we will get acquainted with and analyze in the following articles.

Now let’s summarize why this information is so important for investors and ambassadors. If you are an investor, you need to know all the components of the project, from the team to the token. You have to make sure that the project is very cool, has a big goal. And this is the project in which you are ready to invest money, strength to get the max. profit

If you are the Ambassador of the Crodo project, then you just need the Whitepaper. For writing articles or creating videos where you will take information about the project. It contains extended material about Crodo. Accordingly, when you make content, you must fully understand and know what you are writing about, and at the moment when you are not sure about something, refer to this document .. That’s why you need Whitepaper.

Well, you and I ran a short run through Whitelist. I hope this information was very useful to you, and we will meet in new articles. Come on!




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