Why would a Mass Notification System from Finland, be best choice for Canadian Business

Cameron Fry
4 min readJan 3, 2024


Finnish technology, especially in telecommunications and software development, is well known for being a powerhouse of high quality and innovation. From synthetic aperture satellites, renewable deisel, advanced dental imaging technology, KONE elevators, advanced weather monitoring, industrial measurement, studio monitors, biomass technologies, ALD thin film coatings, advanced textile production to one of the first web search engines in the world (E-Kone), microplastic potable water filtration, 5G technology, and even... Angry Birds.. The list goes on and on. Its all developed with one customer in mind. Finland.

Just Google it.

The Finns approach everything they do with the same tenacity that won the Winter War.

Finland has a population of 5.5 million people. They have a different way of life, a different economy, and scale differently than the United States and the EU. This drives them to use their own economy to drive innovation and progress. They are needs-based over asset-based, and they fill their niches with innovation harvested from their own economic base.

Here is why this matters….

Most of the larger, more established MNS technologies in place in North America evolved within spaces who could financially support the “experimental deployment periods” of the early 2010’s. Using healthcare as an example, these technologies were sold at a premium into specific niches, operating large to superlarge 450- 2400 bed hospitals. Successful proponents enjoyed massive expansion thanks to the incredible revenue these sales provided. Smaller six or seven-figure providers released IPO’s and went public, profits were hedged and sold, and board driven expectations pushed for continued re-investment in these larger opportunities in order to sustain their financial obligations to stock performance. Their targets continue to be the revenue available in larger spaces.

Here is the problem

As concepts like digital healthcare standardize administratively, there is immense pressure for smaller facilities to implement systems that evolved into large super hospitals, especially mass notification and duress. The willingness of these vendors to respond is there, but things are simply not manifesting the way rural spaces need them to. There is a significant gap between results and needs. Rural facilities who implemented these systems are becoming trepidatious about perpetuating them beyond their current business cycle. Larger-purpose-built systems are often referred to as cumbersome and expensive. Peripheral operating issues needing technical support have longer resolution cycles and are costly. Users have openly complained about the expense, the reliability, and the complexity of use due to the demographic realities of these spaces, which tend to have a lower cadre of staff possessing the requisite digital literacy needed for successful change management. 63% percent of Canada’s public & private business population needs solutions that are purposefully built for their spaces.

Here is why a MNS company from Finland has the solution

Pronounced Sek-App (Security Application)

The aforementioned details we shared about Finland now begin to present themselves as relevant to a solution to these problems. With a relatively small domestic market, Finnish companies and industries have often had to look outward to compete globally. To stand out in the international market, they need to offer superior, innovative products and services, which leaves little room for mediocrity. As the Secapp MNS application was developed, it was researched, tested, verified, and corrected according to these standards far in advance of going to market. Further to this it was purpose built to deliver in Finland first, a country that shares the same rural topography, weather and economic characteristics of over 80% of Canada urban spaces.

The most compelling case to consider Secapp is found in the reality that while most native systems in North America are niche-based, Secapp has tenured deployment and expertise in over 12 primary ecosystems. This includes but is not limited to: healthcare, critical infrastructure, real estate, fire rescue, forestry, contracting and mechanical maintenance, public and private sector administration spaces, nuclear power, security, education, volunteer and emergency response, and manufacturing. The system is also established within sectors that remain classified. Secapp has hundreds of clients in over 15 diversified nations and supports a robust continued improvement process driven through learning in these spaces.

While competitive solutions are developed to capture marketshare held for the past several years by the larger companies, Secapp has made it’s mark by creating a reliable technology that easily handles large clients while maintaining economic and performance scalability in small spaces, spaces like 60% of Canadian hospitals, for instance. While other technologies are struggling with catastrophic latency issues and other problems, Secapp’s performance is stellar, garnering absolute trust from their client base. The system has also evolved far beyond the typical MNS design by moulding powerful bi-directional administrative tools with a robust API that can include asset and material state and status without complex integration. In the area of change managmenet, Secapp is easy to use, with a high readiness/assement in all deployed sectors. These attributes, when matched with full economic scalability makes Secapp the logical choice.

Strategic Channel Partnership

To optimise the communication and crisis management strategies of your organisation, we encourage you to investigate the dynamic partnership between BrightBuild and Secapp.

This partnership represents a substantial progression in the integration of state-of-the-art technology and user-centric solutions, fundamentally transforming the way in which organisations handle vital communications. For further discussion on how this partnership can effectively enhance your operational efficiency, streamline your processes, and cater to your unique requirements, please do not hesitate to contact us. For tomorrow’s challenges, connect with BrightBuild immediately to transform your communication strategies.



Cameron Fry

Senior Vice President Sales and Business Development - BrightBuild Technology