Did a Good Judge Make a Terrible Decision?

As a criminal defense attorney and sexual abuse survivor, I know the power of Christine Blasey Ford’s allegations

Cameron Blazer
7 min readSep 17, 2018
Photo by Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Until Friday, many of my objections to the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the United States Supreme Court were ones you might expect. As a liberal, I’m against parsimonious judges with a track record of limiting women’s reproductive rights, discrimination protections, and gun restrictions. And, like many liberals, I have a specific objection to any SCOTUS appointment made by our president.

During his confirmation hearings, Kavanaugh showed his commitment to political theater. When he appeared in court flanked by the girls basketball team he coaches and adoring former clerks, I felt it was tacky. I did not come away from the hearings impressed by his brilliance nor assured of his fairness. As the confirmation process wound down, I reluctantly prepared for Judge Kavanaugh to become Justice Kavanaugh.

Late last week, when Senator Feinstein revealed the barest outline of anonymous sexual misconduct allegations against Kavanaugh, I heard myself muttering “too little, too late.” Even if the allegations proved true, I couldn’t imagine them being enough to derail this nomination. Yes, we are living in the #MeToo moment, but we’re also…

