After 11 years, we’ve sold Authentic Jobs

Cameron Moll
2 min readJan 6, 2017


Eleven years. Forever in internet years, yet it still felt like we were just getting started.

But it was time to pass the torch.

Authentic Jobs has been acquired by BuySellAds. Read the official press release here.

Cameron’s former office in Sarasota, Florida

This is a bitter-sweet story.

Myles Grant, Adam Spooner, and I stand in awe of everything the Authentic Jobs community has accomplished these past 11 years. We’re enormously grateful for the thousands and thousands of lives we’ve positively affected during the past decade plus and the many people that helped us do it.

We’re also incredibly proud of having bootstrapped the company since day one and remaining profitable for all 44 quarters the company was in our care.

We deliberated the decision to sell for months and with greater intensity in the weeks leading up to signing the paperwork. As primary owner, the decision rested squarely on my shoulders. I felt the full burden of its weight over many sleepless nights. Thankfully Myles and Adam were incredibly supportive, and we were unified in our decision.

In a nutshell, an appropriate comparison might be sending your oldest off to college (which incidentally I’ll do in just a couple years). You’re heartbroken over losing the companionship of someone you love immensely, but you know they’ll be afforded opportunities beyond what you can offer.

We love Authentic Jobs immensely, but it was time to give the business and its community greater opportunities than we could afford.

We’re practically twins.

We can’t think of better person to pass the torch to than Todd Garland, CEO of BuySellAds and now owner of Authentic Jobs. Todd and I are alike in many ways. We’ve both bootstrapped our companies. We both care greatly about running a business with integrity and giving back to the community. We share many of the same prominent contacts in the industry. And much more.

So while the decision to sell wasn’t easy, it was more manageable knowing Todd—and his company’s expansive resources—would carry the torch. The acquisition was formalized several weeks ago, and Todd’s team has been hard at work planning for 2017 and beyond. We can’t wait to see what they come up with.

What’s next for us?

Myles remains on the clock with Slack, where his (pre-Slack) Glitch principal engineer status is legendary. Adam joined Myles a few months ago. And I joined Facebook.

Above all, we’ll always be Authentic Jobs’ biggest fans.

We ❤️ AJ.

Cameron Moll
Myles Grant
Adam Spooner
Countless others…



Cameron Moll

Leadership + Design ᴇᴛᴅ 1999. Meta alumni. Authentic Jobs (acquired). Teller of fine dad jokes.