How social media is providing consumers with desirable content

Cameryn Kok
4 min readNov 12, 2018


Social media has been growing and changing fast over the years, and has become some people’s main source for news. Social media is much faster than watching or reading the news. All you have to do is a quick scroll to get a summary of all the important headlines, which is appealing to more and more people everyday. Social media has also changed the way we make news, by making it so accessible, people do not even have to leave their couch. Consumers can scroll through accounts to not only find the news, but possible vacation destinations or fun recipes. Businesses are constantly promoting themselves over social media, and it is catching users eyes.

This is a tweet from, People about the sexiest man alive. It is their biggest headline yearly, and usually only printed out in their magazine.

Not only does this allow for consumers to read the article, it is a marketing strategy for users to go out and purchase the magazine. Twitter is such a popular media source these days, it can give users news as soon as it comes out, instead of having to wait for it on paper or television.

This is a tweet discussing why it is now crucial for local businesses to have a strong social media.

In order for a business to grow successfully, local developments are relying on social media to increase their customer engagement. Customers are always looking for deals and promotions online, and using a socia media platform like twitter or instagram is a perfect way to put your business out there. There are posts like this all over twitter.

A tweet about how Fox news has been MIA on twitter due tweets against Fox News host, Tucker Carlson.

This goes to show how influential social media is to journalism. Fox News has been inactive on Twitter, due to threats made against host, Tucker Carlson. Sources stated that mobs came to his house yelling harsh phrases, resulting in Fox News not taking part anymore. Fox News tweets hundreds of tweets a day, so for a big news company like that to not be tweeting for a day now is something to take note of. People all over twitter are talking about it, and it has become a huge news story.

BuzzFeed News Instagram feed

BuzzFeed is a big news platform, pertaining to millennials and a younger audience. They post on their Instagram daily, providing users with the most recent news in pop culture, politics, health, history, etc. BuzzFeed also has a website where you can find a larger description of all of these articles. Their Instagram is very appealing, and is constantly being added to and updated.

Koloa Landing Resort Instagram Feed

This is an Instagram feed of a luxury resort located in Kola, Hawaii. It provides beautiful pictures of the resort and the views/scenery it provides. This account came up on my explore page, and I thought it was very cool how you can explore what this resort has to offer without even going to the website. This is such a great marketing tool, a lot of resorts don’t have an active Instagram, the fact that this one does makes it stand out and be more desirable for customers.

Disneyland Instagram feed

Disneyland has always been advertised everywhere, and it is such a great example of a business using/having such a great social media platform. The feature treats, rides, apparel, families, and more just to show you a glimpse into what the Disneyland experience is. Disneyland has one of the best social media accounts in my opinion, and is also just as active on Facebook and Twitter too.

I thought this video summarized everything well. The face of journalism is changing, and it is not the same it was 5 years ago. Twitter has now become one of the many news sources that people use instead of reading or watching the news. Facebook and Instagram also have a big part in this, but Twitter is ultimately the source that puts news out there the fastest.

News is traveling faster now, and that is all thanks to social media. Users are going to social media for their headlines, jobs, and even vacation destinations. The convenience of it appeals to everyone, and journalists are accepting the changes and using them to make them more successful over social media.



Cameryn Kok

Marketing major, dancer, and student at Arizona State University.