Can Cam Girls Really Fall In Love With Their Clients?

Cam Girls
10 min readNov 16, 2020


Alice is a model and artist. Her writing and artwork is based on her experiences as an online webcam model and cam girl.

It’s a very legitimate question, as long as you’re asking for the right reasons. Maybe you’re a cam girl who’s falling for one of her regulars. Maybe you’re a client, and you feel you have a special connection with the girl you talk to.

Some Things To Keep In Mind

Is This A How-To Guide?

This will NOT be a how to make a cam girl fall in love with you guide. I’m not a pick-up artist, or some other variation of sociopath, and I’m not going to try to show you how to “pick up a cam girl” or anything similarly ridiculous.

I work as a professional cam girl and webcam model. (Click that link if you want to fact-check that) And I thought it’d be best to answer this with something a friend of mine went through. Whether or not it applies to your own personal situation, I can’t be the judge of that. An anecdote is an anecdote, your conclusions are your own.

Does This Happen A Lot?

How often does this happen? I’ll admit, not all that often, but it’s not statistically insignificant. If you’re a long-term veteran of any webcam model site, you’ve probably heard a few similar anecdotes as well.

However, just because I know someone who’s been through this doesn’t make it the “default” outcome of a cam girl — client involvement, so make sure you approach this story keeping in mind the requisite disclaimers. Be open-minded to it happening, but don’t be overly optimistic.

NOTE: One factor you may consider, before we begin, is that the prevalence of Dating Apps has made the following incident more and more likely in recent years. There’s really not much of a gap between swiping right on a stranger, texting them and eventually meeting up, and doing the exact same thing on a cam girl website.


As a cam girl who streams on one of the reputed cam sites, I have the opportunity to interact with many other models.

As typically happens, we end up sharing stories and talk about our days in work.

This often bleeds over into real life — — and many of my closest friends end up being girls I first got acquainted through a cam girl website.


Recently, one of my friends, let’s call her… “Sasha”. She started acting a little strange. At first I wanted to ask her about it, but she always seemed busy, I was never able to reach her. Finally, I got her to spill the beans.

Sitting in our favorite coffee shop, she looks across at me, and before I can even broach the subject, she launches into her story.


Around two months ago, Sasha was working, and her chat room wasn’t as busy as it usually is. But being the adorable Sasha she is, she kept on working and putting on a really good show.

Later that night, one guy… let’s call him… “Matt”. Matt entered her room and since her room was a bit quiet, she started messaging with Matt, they were messaging back and forth.

As often happens, what started as innocent messages between two strangers, quickly became more intimate.

They started talking to each other about their interests, their hobbies, their day to day lives. And the more they talked, the more they realized just how much they had in common. What started as a strictly cam girl — client interaction was soon blossoming into something altogether different.

What was different, what really made him different, she says — was that it really wasn’t just sexual. Truth be told, it was more conversational than anything.

He was in her room for a few hours, just talking, getting to know her. He didn’t ask for anything, wasn’t demanding at all. Super polite, really funny, and tipped her continuously to show her his appreciation for her being a sweetheart. He said he hoped she would always stay like that, and wouldn’t change for anyone, no matter what clients asked her to do.

The Private Show

Later that night, he asked to take her on a private show, where they spent some time together. Sasha said she felt really cared for, because he wanted to see her enjoy her time, and wasn’t demanding of her.

And even after their private show, he stayed in her room, to talk to her more, being the perfect gentleman. And as night melted into dawn, she found herself continuing to talk to him, not really knowing why, feeling like they had known each other years.

What was even more unusual was that Matt wasn’t pushy at all. He didn’t ask for Sasha’s Whatsapp, he didn’t offer to DM her on her social media.

Cam girls are quite used to being constantly propositioned, so the complete lack of asking her anything in return made Sasha wonder about Matt the rest of the day.

“I was just so curious” she tells me over coffee. “A part of me wanted to believe that he was just a great guy, but I was very cautious…maybe camming for months and years does that to a girl.”

One thing was certain, Sasha knew that, like so many other visitors in her cam room, this was going to be another fleeting encounter.

She was wrong.

He’s Definitely Not Coming Back

The next evening. Mise en scene: Sasha’s cam room. She’s talking to some of her regulars, wearing her favorite baby doll, and generally having a great time.
Enter Matt.

“I really didn’t expect him to come back” Sasha tells me, trying hard not to smile. It’s a weekend afternoon, I’ve finally been able to get through to her, and I’ve never seen her this excited. There’s so much to talk about, and yet the conversation keeps veering back to Matt.

“So there he was again, in my room, being charming as ever, making me laugh with his godawful puns all evening, and continuing to tip me during our conversations.”

“And again, after a couple hours, he asked me if I was in the mood for a private, and I excitedly almost screamed YES!”

“I tried to hold my excitement back though and agreed to the private, which was even more magical than the evening before. After a long private, he stayed in my room until I went to bed.”

“He was just so caring, even when he said goodbye, it just felt like he was tucking me in under the covers. It was a shock to my system, just like the day before.”

“I mean, I was flattered, but this had never, ever happened to me, I didn’t know how to react.”

And it went on for days and days.

Detective Work

So Sasha decided to play Detective. She would find out what this was all about. She would check if he was on Facebook, if he had a Linkedin, and if he had a functioning Whatsapp number.

The Facebook was easy enough to find. So Matt had not lied about his real name, he hadn’t lied about that gorgeous cocker spaniel he took out running everyday.

The Linkedin testimonials corroborated this information, but Sasha was still not sure. The Whatsapp would be needed. And there was only one way to check for that.

“YOU GAVE HIM YOUR WHATSAPP?” I almost shout in surprise, making Sasha’s Espresso cup tremble. The boy at the counter gives me one of those “Damnit she’s drunk again” looks.

Sasha is unmoved. She smiles her Cheshire cat smile, looking like she won the lottery and then some. And she continues her story.

“It was the quickest way to find out — — I just sent him my Whatsapp, and asked for his in return”.

(Author’s Note: I don’t condone this — Girls, BE CAREFUL, listen to your gut and, as a rule, don’t give out your number)

When she did get Matt’s Whatsapp, he texted her on it to say that, although he was really happy that she wanted to talk to him directly, he didn’t want her to breach protocol, and it would be better if he messaged her on the site instead.

Sasha had never had someone actively refuse to talk to her privately. “That was the last straw” she tells me, as I realize what she’s feeling right now.

“Sasha” I say, the realization slowly dawning on me. “You’re falling for this guy”.

She smiles, but doesn’t respond. She looks out the window, out into the street. And then she resumes her story.

The Skype Call

The next week, Sasha had her first private chat with Matt on Skype. It was even more intimate than before, as she didn’t have to think about work.

There were no people waiting for her back in her room, she didn’t have to think about games and topics to spice it up when she’d be back, she didn’t have to worry about her cam score.

It was purely their time together. Like a real date. Getting to know each other, sharing that need for a warm cuddle after an intense play, giggling as they whispered sweet nothings.

I’m still not sure how I feel about this, but I keep my thoughts to myself, wanting her to keep talking. Despite myself I’ve begun to feel rather intrigued about our mysterious Mr. Matt.

And then she tells me about the Skype call.

“So wait. He booked you FOR A WHOLE NIGHT?!” A part of me is almost envious, but I’m not sure why.

“Yes! And it was the best date of my life! We both ordered the same food, so it felt like we were having one of those ‘stay home and cook for each other’ dates.”

Sharing our life stories, the good and the bad… We started to watch a movie, but we were so wrapped up in each other, we couldn’t stop ourselves from…”

She blushes.

“Like he was really here! Netflix and chill, you know how it goes.”

“And then, as we continued the movie, I felt like I was truly in his arms, his voice wrapping itself around me, making me feel so relaxed… and I fell asleep during our call! I woke up in the middle of the night, but he was already gone. Felt so weirdly empty…”

“So if you’re so over the moon for him… You are not planning to meet him, RIGHT?” (You should hear me say RIGHT in that tone, it’s really something else)

“He hasn’t asked me about it. Weirdly. I have so many strangers asking me for a date IRL, everyday. But Matt. He just wants to make me feel comfortable.”

And it makes perfect sense, I find myself thinking. Matt seems to be one of those rare people who can empathize with what a day in the life of a cam girl is usually like. And it seems like the last thing he wants is to corner Sasha into having to treat him differently from the other customers.

He’s giving her the space she needs to be able to balance out her work obligations, whilst still engaging with him, getting to know him better, developing a deeper emotional connection.

“So you’re telling me…” I say, in mock astonishment “that you’ve met a guy who is…actually patient?” Sasha laughs, it’s a laugh of recognition. We’ve exchanged too many jokes about pushy guys in chat rooms to not ‘get’ it.


“Well, it’s only been a few weeks” I say. “What if he cracks — — I mean, yeah he seems like Mr. Right at the moment, but how do you know he’s not going to show his fangs a month from now? Trying to possess you, and make you quit camming, so you have to rely on him completely.”

Sasha shrugs. I don’t really have a comeback for that, so I nod and go back to nursing my second Espresso of the day.

As I said, cam girls are a guarded bunch. We don’t trust easily. And yet, everything Sasha says about Matt does make him come across as fundamentally different.

Like one of those Reddit posts you read about where the webcam model married her client and now they have six kids and a Pomeranian and a house in Jamaica. I never quite knew how true those stories were, but maybe I’ll see one play out in front of me in the next few months.

We part ways, and I make a mental note to ask Sasha about her adventures when we meet next.

Six Months Later

Saturday is usually my day off. I’m meeting Sasha for dinner, she just moved to a beautiful one bedroom setup, and I remember to bring along a bottle of wine to celebrate.

Matt will be joining us — — Sasha told me earlier today that she and Matt had their first date last week, and, true to character, he was a perfect gentleman.

Climbing up the steps to her apartment, I hear the bass line from that K-Pop album she’s been obsessed with for months now. Sasha answers the door, wearing her trademark skinny jeans and top, and a sheepish smile, the reason for which becomes immediately obvious the second I enter: Matt chopping onions, crying his eyes out.

I have to admit, despite my skepticism, I’m already starting to warm to him a little. It’s hard to be suspicious of a grown man sobbing in your best friend’s kitchen.

Sasha, one of the girls who helped me get into cam modeling, cautious, slightly jaded Sasha. “Follow the rules” Sasha, and now I see her slowly allowing herself to live a little.

It takes time, of course, cam girls are a guarded lot, for good reason. But what matters is she’s met that rare guy, the kind who understands the webcam model’s predicament, and is more than willing to be patient, and let the girl make the moves.

So, what’s my verdict?

Can Cam Girls Really Fall In Love With Their Clients?

The last thing I want to do is to be irresponsible, and say “Yes!”.

For one thing, it has never happened to me, and “it happened to a friend of mine once” is a poor substitute for a statistic.

So the rational, no-nonsense part of me would answer with a “usually No”.

But life is seldom rational and no-nonsense. The more balanced, mature answer would be “usually No, but it depends on the client”.

PS: If you’re a cam girl reading this, don’t do something stupid.

The girl I told you about, she’s been working as a webcam model for long enough to “get a read” on a client very quickly — it’s an instinct you develop over time, as a webcam model, a gut-check heuristic for whether a guy is safe to meet with or not.

So, again, BE CAREFUL, and if you do end up wanting to meet a client IRL, do all the necessary background checks, take your time, don’t rush into things.



Cam Girls

Alice is a model and artist. Her writing and artwork is based on her experiences as an online webcam model and cam girl.